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Books and e-books

Search for books and e-books across the Health Libraries Midlands (HeLM) catalogue

To access our e-books, an NHS OpenAthens account is required (forgotten your password?). Access will vary depending on the organisation you are affiliated to

Finding and borrowing print books | Finding and using e-books

Search the resources of Keele University


Search for journal articles in the NHS Knowledge and Library Hub

To access the article search, an NHS OpenAthens account is required. Access will vary depending on the organisation you are affiliated to. Download the Guide to Searching the NHS Knowledge and Library Hub for more information on searching for articles, or have a look at our short video.

Search the resources of Keele University

Advanced searching for articles | Request an evidence search


Search over 11,000 continuously updated evidence summaries

Please note that this search box only works if you're on a SaTH PC

For off-site access (available to SaTH staff and students only) visit UpToDate and login with an NHS OpenAthens account or a personal account created whilst onsite.

For more information, view our short video on accessing UpToDate.


Select from a range of evidence resources to search
Trip Database
Cochrane Library
BMJ Best Practice
British National Formulary
BNF for Children
Google Scholar


Trip Database covers a range of evidence resources, such as clinical practice guidelines, systematic reviews, evidence synopses and much more. Trip also searches some primary research resources such as evidence-based journal articles.

Access to Trip Pro is available on NHS PCs

For more evidence resources, visit the Knowledge Navigator

For more medicines information resources, visit the Knowledge Navigator

Download the BNF/BNFC app for Android | Apple


Type a journal name and select your organisation to check what access you have to full-text
Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust
Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust
Keele University

To access NHS journals, an NHS OpenAthens account is required. If the journal you need is not available, you can request articles using our Article Request service.

NHS staff can also browse journals by topic and see contents pages by using BrowZine

Staff Publications

Search the Staff Publications Hub for publications involving SaTH staff or patients

The search covers publications since 2014. Authors affiliated with Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust are marked with an asterisk (*).

Many staff across Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust produce publications, including articles in scholarly journals, book chapters, service improvement case reports and more. The Staff Publications Hub is our institutional repository where we keep a record of staff publications, as an aid to sharing knowledge and best practice.

Recent new books and e-books