Learn how to search the evidence with our database training sessions

If you're looking to learn how to find published evidence in healthcare journals, we're running a series of training sessions over the next few months.

These cover the CINAHL, Medline and EMBASE databases and will help you to search effectively and access the full-text of articles. Some sessions are face-to-face, while others will take place over Microsoft Teams. These databases offer you the ability to do advanced searching using thesaurus teams as well as free-text searching - for more basic searches you could try the NHS Knowledge and Library Hub.

Searching the literature using CINAHL and Medline via EBSCO

Learn how to effectively search the healthcare journal literature using CINAHL and Medline via the EBSCO interface. The training is open to all staff, but is mainly aimed at nurses, midwives and allied health staff.

  • 22nd Feb 2-3.30, IT Training Room, Shrewsbury Health Library, RSH
  • 20th Apr 2-3.30, Microsoft Teams
  • 24rd May 10-11.30, IT Training Room, Shrewsbury Health Library, RSH

Searching the literature using Medline and EMBASE via Ovid

Learn how to effectively search the healthcare journal literature using Medline and EMBASE via the Ovid interface. The training  is open to all staff, but is mainly aimed at doctors.

  • 3rd Feb 10-11.30, Microsoft Teams
  • 15th Mar 10-11.30, IT Training Room, Shrewsbury Health Library, RSH
  • 4th May 9-10.30, Microsoft Teams
  • 15th Jun 2-3.30, IT Training Room, Shrewsbury Health Library, RSH

To book a place, visit the SaTH Learning Made Simple website (search for 'library) or contact Jason Curtis in the Shrewsbury Health Library on 01743 492511 or jason.curtis1@nhs.net.

You'll need a free NHS OpenAthens account to access the databases.

Can't make any of these sessions? We can still offer one-to-one training sessions in person or over Microsoft Teams - contact us for more details.