Revalidation Reflective Reading Sessions

The library is running a series of free reflective reading sessions for nurses and midwives to help with NMC revalidation. Download the list of dates for 2025.

Prior to the session you'll be sent an article to read and a small checklist of points to consider when reading, this will earn you 1.5 hours of CPD time. When you attend the session the article will be discussed in a small group, reflecting on points whilst working through the checklist, this will earn you another 1.5 hours of CPD time. The 3 hours of credited CPD time that you earn from these sessions can be used towards the 35 hours of CPD that you need to acquire to revalidate.

The workshops will be led by Louise Stevens, Librarian, over MS Teams. If you wish to attend one of the sessions, choose from one of the dates and email Louise on or call ext: 4694.

Critically appraising research for antiracism

When critically appraising research, there are a number of checklists available from CASP for different types or research. However, none of these checklists include questions to help address possible racial bias.

Ramona Naicker, a medical librarian in Australia, has developed a checklist specifically to help identify any issues around underrepresentation and interpretation that may impact on a study's relevancy, validity and reliability.

The tool can be used as a supplement to another checklist (such as one of the CASP checklists) that look at specific research methodologies.

Access Naicker's Critically Appraising for Antiracism Quality Appraisal Tool

Librarian support for systematic reviews

Are you looking to write a systematic review? Librarians can support this in a variety of ways, and we've put together a guide outlining how we can help and how you can make the most of the service. For example, we can help with:

  • Carrying out scoping searches to check how much literature is available and check for existing systematic reviews on your topic that might duplicate your work
  • Providing advice on suitable databases to search
  • Designing search strategies to retrieve any relevant articles
  • Providing details of search strategies and numbers of results to enable completion of the PRISMA flow chart
  • Provide advice on appropriate search filters if your search is looking for a particular study design or population
  • Providing lists of references in your chosen format (for example, RIS)
  • Providing access to a RefWorks account if you don’t have access to reference management software

Involving librarians in the systematic review process has been shown to produce significantly higher quality reported search strategies. Having librarians assisting in formulating search strategies and performing literature searches across multiple databases helps researchers minimise bias in their reviews.

Critical Appraised Topics (CATs) – what are they and how do you create one?

A Critically Appraised Topic (CAT) is a form of summarised evidence that tries to present an answer to a specified clinical question. A CAT is different to a systematic review or meta-analysis as the intention is not to systematically seek out all the evidence on a topic, but to look for the best available evidence and quickly come up with an answer. A CAT might be appropriate where there was no national guidance, but is not robust on its own to override existing national guidance.

A CAT starts with a well-defined clinical question that is relevant, well-structured and answerable. This then needs to be translated into a search question using a framework such as PICO (Patient or problem, Intervention or exposure, Comparison or control, Outcome(s)).

For a therapy questions, PICO would consist of the patient's disease or condition, a therapeutic intervention (for example a drug, surgical intervention, or medical advice). The comparison might be standard care, another intervention, or a placebo, and the outcome might be, for example, reduced mortality rate, complications, or disease recurrence.

The P (Patient or problem) may also include information about the population group (for example, older people, or women).

For example, the question ‘In a patient with acute bronchitis, do antibiotics reduce sputum production?’ could be put into a PICO framework as:

  • P patients with acute bronchitis
  • I antibiotics
  • C none (it’s not always necessary to have a comparison)
  • O reduction in sputum production

The PICO framework aids searching in databases, by allowing you to search for each concept separately using thesaurus and free-text terms to cover synonyms and variant spellings, and then combine the searches together to find research that covers all the concepts.

Since most CATs are related to therapy questions, the most appropriate study design would be an existing systematic review, or randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and these could be found in databases such as the Cochrane Library, Medline, EMBASE and CINAHL. Search filters are available to help limit the search to systematic reviews or RCTs.

Library staff are happy to either provide training and assistance on how to search these databases, or can carry out evidence searches on your behalf.

Once suitable articles have been found, they need to be appraised for their validity, and the CASP checklists are a good way to do this. There are different checklists available different types of evidence, and each one asks the most pertinent questions for that type of research.

The final stage is to summarise the evidence to come up with an answer to the clinical question initially posed, or a clinical ‘bottom line’.

Library staff are happy to support the development of CATs through suggesting suitable search terms or translating a clinical question into PICO, selecting databases, and providing critical appraisal resources, and we can point you in the direction of further resources.

Resources on Strep A from UpToDate

The UpToDate point of care tool has a range of regularly updated articles summarising the evidence around Strep A.

These are being made available to anyone that needs access, without having to login to UpToDate.

All staff at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust have access to UpToDate, both on and off-site of via the mobile app.

Quick links to Strep A information

As with all UpToDate clinical content the topics are written by experts in their field and the content is reviewed and updated as new evidence becomes available to support clinicians in reaching a diagnosis and treating patients who present with suspected Strep A quickly and effectively.

BMJ Best Practice Comorbidities Manager

Access to BMJ Best Practice has been extended to include the Comorbidities Manager. In the UK, one in three adults suffer from multiple chronic conditions and most patients in the acute setting have more than one medical condition.

The BMJ Best Practice Comorbidities Manager supports the management of the whole patient by including guidance on the treatment of a patient’s acute condition alongside their pre-existing comorbidities.

Available on desktop or app, NHS staff and learners in England can use BMJ Best Practice for free via an NHS OpenAthens account.

Improve your wellbeing and resilience with a new collection of e-books

A new collection of 21 carefully selected e-books has been made available to support the wellbeing and resilience of NHS staff and students. These are all available to read online with a free NHS OpenAthens account.

In addition to these new e-books, you'll find many books to support your wellbeing in our Healthy Lives collections in both our libraries, so do come along a have a browse. We also have jigsaws, colouring books, comfortable seating, and hot drinks, so come along and take some time to look after yourself.

And Breathe
Dennis, S. 2016

Drayton M. 2021

Change for the Better: Personal Development through Practical Psychotherapy
McCormick, E. W. 2017

Developing Mental Toughness
Clough, P., Strycharczyk, D. and Perry, J. 3rd ed., 2021

Developing Resilience
Neenan, M. 2nd ed., 2017

Emotional Resilience
Bharwaney, G. 2015

GP Wellbeing
Staten, A. and Lawson, E. 2017

Managing Health and Wellbeing in the Public Sector
Cooper, C. L. and Hesketh, I. 2017

St. John, B. and Haines, A. P. 2017

Mindfulness in the Workplace
Chapman-Clarke, M. A. 2016

Organised Wellbeing
Marsh, T. and Ward, L. 2nd ed., 2018

Resilience at Work
Jackson, K. 2018

Resilience in Healthcare Leadership
Belasen, A. 2021

Self-care for Allied Health Professionals
Battye, A. 2021

Self-leadership and Personal Resilience in Health and Social Care
Holroyd, J. 2015

Seven Ways to Build Resilience
Johnstone, C. 2021

Stories of Resilience in Nursing
Traynor, M. 2019

Supporting Compassionate Healthcare Practice
Ryder, E. and Chambers, C. 2018

The Compassionate Mind Approach to Difficult Emotions: Using Compassion Focused Therapy
Irons, C. 2019

The Leader's Guide to Resilience
Tang, A. 2020

Your Health at Work
Fidderman, H. and Allen, B. 2018

Making finding full-text easier

Whether you've got the title of an article you're looking for, want to look at the latest issue of a journal, or want to be able to access full-text articles when searching the web, there are a number of ways library and knowledge services can help.

From searching within the NHS Knowledge and Library Hub, using BrowZine, using LibKey Nomad, or using Google Scholar Library Links, our short guide and video show you how to make finding full-text a bit easier.

And if there is no full-text available, it's easy to request items from the library and let us do the leg-work!

Watch the video

Make better use of evidence and knowledge with 'The Knowledge' newsletter

Want to know how to make better use of evidence and organisational knowledge in your work? Have a look at our latest newsletter called 'The Knowledge' that looks at knowledge mobilisation.

Download the latest issue of 'The Knowledge'

The latest issue covers:

  • Using Trip Pro to locate evidence
  • Sharing knowledge with knowledge cafés and expresso cafés
  • Share your publications in the Staff Publications Hub
  • Advanced searching for articles
  • Learn how to use knowledge resources quickly with our bite-sized training videos


Changes to advanced searching for articles

At the end of March 2022, the Healthcare Databases Advanced Search (HDAS) interface provided by NICE for advanced searching for articles is going to be turned off. The same quality databases will still be available however (Medline, CINAHL, EMBASE and more) but these will then be searched via their provider interfaces (EBSCO, Ovid or ProQuest).

This does mean that there are new interfaces to learn (though the principles of searching remain the same) and you may need to search across two or even three different interfaces for comprehensive coverage of a topic using different databases (for example, if you're doing a systematic review).

The good news is that for many searches, the NHS Knowledge and Library Hub provides an easy way to search for articles and grey literature across a range of databases and information sources.

For more advanced searching needs, we will be producing search guides and offering training on how to make the best use of the provider interfaces.

We already have some guides that may be helpful.

We have a guide to Searching Medline and CINAHL via EBSCO, and we also have a guide to the use of different Search Operators across a wide range of healthcare databases (including how to access the thesaurus, how to do proximity searches, and whether a databases offers Boolean operators). If you're unsure of even which database to start with, we have a rough outline of the coverage of the main healthcare databases for literature searching.