Finding full-text in Google Scholar

Whilst we don't advocate relying on Google Scholar for finding articles (much better resources are available, such as HDAS) we know that it can be useful for quick searches, citation searching, or sometimes just to see if it throws up things that might be further down the search results in other databases.

If you do choose to use Google Scholar, it's possible to select a library's journal holdings so that when you search it, you'll see links to any available full-text articles.

To enable this feature, click on the menu button at the top left (the 'hamburger' icon) and select 'Settings'. Click 'Library Links' and then enter a search term (e.g. 'keele'). Library links are available for Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust, Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust, Keele University and Staffordshire University. Up to five libraries can be selected.

If you're using a SaTH PC, library links for Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust are already automatically added, but you can select other ones.

To ensure your preferences are saved for next time, you'll need to be logged in with your Google account. Don't forget, you'll also need an NHS OpenAthens account, or your university login to access the full-text once you've found it!

Read by QxMD helps you keep up to date with new articles

Read by QxMD is an app and website that allows you to discover and read relevant new healthcare journal articles. It does this by enabling you to specify journals, collections, keywords or topics to follow, and suggests relevant new articles that match your criteria. This way, you can build your own personalised alerting service.

It's free to create an account, and you can link your account to the journal holdings of Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust, Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust, Staffordshire University or Keele University to make downloading PDF copies of articles easier.

On the mobile version, you can store your OpenAthens account so that when you view a paper, the app will attempt to download the PDF version if we subscribe to the journal or if it is available, an open access copy. If you find an interesting paper and it’s not available as a PDF, we can still order a copy for you - you just need to complete an article request form available on our website.

You can add papers to your own virtual collections, recommend papers, and discuss articles.

Read by QxMD covers a wide range of healthcare journals, so you’ll see more than just the ones we subscribe to.

We also suggest that you also sign up to KnowledgeShare If you want to keep up to date with new guidance, reports, UpToDate Practice Changing Updates, and other high-level evidence as these materials are not all covered by Read by QxMD.

Let's talk about dementia


SaTH Health Library have lots of resources to help you get a better understanding of dementia.  This includes information, advice and support, books, leaflets, contacts, and much more.  Investigate our reminiscence boxes and evoke old memories from objects and smells.  Borrow then for use with staff or patients.



Of particular interest to:

- Anyone whom works with people diagnosed with dementia

- People who have a friend or family member who has dementia

- People in the early stages of the disease




Royal Marsden Manual: the go-to resource for nursing care

The Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Procedures is an essential guide for nurses, nurse associates and healthcare assistants, and contains over 350 evidence-based clinical procedures related to every aspect of nursing care, from handwashing to cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

As well as supporting clinical practice, it can aid in writing local guidelines, in audits, and it can be used for educating staff.

How to access

The Royal Marsden Manual is available to SaTH staff and students via the SaTH Intranet Apps menu without a password. Simply click the icon to get full access.

Off-site access is also available to staff and students of Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust, and also to Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust via an NHS OpenAthens account. NHS OpenAthens accounts allow access to a range of library and knowledge resources.

There is currently no mobile app, but the website is optimised for use on tablets and mobiles.

The Manual can be searched to find a procedure, or you can browse by chapter, procedure or illustration.

Local guidelines and notes

Local guidelines can be added to the Royal Marsden Manual in the form of links to the specific guideline on the SaTH Intranet, and local guidelines will then appear in search results.

It is also possible to add local notes to a Royal Marsden Manual guideline, and any local content is distinguished by a pink background.

If staff from Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust, and Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust would like to discuss adding local information, please contact either Jason Curtis, Site Librarian at Shrewsbury on 01743 492511 or, or Louise Stevens, Site Librarian at Telford on 01952 641222 ext. 4694 or

Not sure where to publish your article? Ask Jane!

Are you looking to write an article for a scholarly journal, or already have but don't know where to submit it to? Try asking Jane.

Jane (the 'Journal / Author Name Estimator') is a tool for finding relevant journals in your subject area. Simply enter your title (and abstract if you have one), click 'Find Journals' and see what Jane suggests.

Jane compares your article title and abstract to millions of articles in PubMed and find journals with the best matches. Jane also shows each journal's  Article Influence (AI) score and indicates which journals are indexed in Medline, and which ones offer open access without charging.

Checking Jane can also help you to avoid predatory publishers.

If you're looking to write or publish, don't forget that library staff can help you with literature searches, supply copies of books or articles you're referencing, and we also maintain a database of staff publications to help you publicise your work.

The Sepsis Game

To tie in with Wear Red Day, why not learn more about sepsis in an entertaining way.

Shrewsbury and Telford Health Libraries stock a range of educational board games including The Sepsis Game.

Play in the library or borrow it for your department to improve your knowledge together.


Library apps for knowledge on the move

We have a growing range of apps available for our resources, to make accessing information on the go even easier, in some cases even when offline.

The library itself doesn't have a mobile app, but our website is responsively designed to work on any size screen.


Android | iOS

UpToDate is an evidence-based knowledge system that helps clinicians make the right decisions at the point of care. It contains over 10,000 articles, providing evidence-graded treatment recommendations as well as diagnostic and other information for common as well as rare conditions. It also offers thousands of images, clinical calculators and a drug interactions checker.

The mobile app is available to SaTH staff and requires the use of a personal registration created whilst using UpToDate on-site.

BNF (British National Formulary) and BNF for Children

Android | iOS

The BNF/BNFC app is aimed at prescribers, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals who need sound, up-to-date information about the use of medicines. It combines the content from the BNF and BNFC, ensuring easy access to BNF information wherever you are.

No authentication required. Works offline.

BMJ Best Practice

Android | iOS

BMJ Best Practice provides access to the latest evidence-based information for healthcare professionals, structured around the patient consultation with advice on symptom evaluation, test ordering, treatment approach and follow up. It also offers clinical calculators, patient information leaflets and some procedural videos.

The mobile app is available to all NHS staff and authentication requires a personal account, which can be created whilst on-site on a SaTH PC, or whilst logged in with an NHS OpenAthens account. Works offline.

Adobe Digital Editions

Android | iOS

Adobe Digital Editions is required to download our e-books to your mobile device for offline reading. Free registration for an Adobe ID required, and an NHS OpenAthens account is required to access and download e-books to your device. Our guide to downloading e-books gives more details.

E-books on the go

Did you know that books from Shrewsbury and Telford Health Libraries’ collection of over 16,000 e-books can be downloaded to your mobile device for offline reading?

If you have an Apple or Android device, download the free Adobe Digital Editions app and create a free Adobe ID to log into it. Then access our e-book collection, login with NHS OpenAthens, find your book, and select ‘Download Book’.

You’ll be able to select the length of time you’d like to download the book for, up to 14 days, but if you need it for longer, you can simply ‘borrow’ it again after 14 days. Alternatively, if you just want a chapter, you can simply download a PDF of a single chapter which won’t expire.

Finding e-books is easy - simply select the e-book tab on OmniSearch.

BMJ Best Practice clinical decision tool

BMJ Best Practice is now available to all NHS organisation in England.

It provides access to the latest evidence-based information for healthcare professionals, structured around the patient consultation, with advice on symptom evaluation, test ordering, treatment approach and follow up. It also offers clinical calculators, patient information leaflets and some procedural videos.


Onsite at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals (SaTH) simply visit the BMJ Best Practice website for password-free access. You'll have the option to create a personal account to record usage for CME/CPD points.

For off-site access, you can use an NHS OpenAthens account. Visit the BMJ Best Practice website and login with your NHS OpenAthens account. You can also use a personal account created whilst on-site at SaTH.

Mobile apps are available for Android and iOS devices. These require a personal account to authenticate which can either be created whilst on-site on a SaTH PC, or off-site by logging in with NHS OpenAthens account and then registering for a personal account.

You'll also find BMJ Best Practice as an option in OmniSearch where it can be searched along with many other resources.

For more details or advice, pop into one of our libraries.

Relax with a good book

SaTH Health Libraries are not just about medical and management titles.  We also have a range of leisure books to help you escape into another world.

Grab a biography.... get caught up in a murder ..... go off on an adventure ..... curl up with a romance.....

We even have a collection of "Quick Reads" to fit in with your busy life.  All the excitement  but in a short sharp format.

Relax and chill with a good book!