We're having a big impact!

We recently carried out a survey of all library users (and potential users) to see what you thought about our services and resources, and we also asked staff what impact we are having on patient care, research and continuing professional development.

Some of the highlights are:

  • 211 responses in total
  • 98% of respondents that had used the libraries in the last 12 months rated the overall service as 'Excellent' or 'Good'
  • 93% of respondents that had used the libraries in the last 12 months rated the study environment as 'Excellent' or 'Good'

Some of comments relating to impact were:

Evidence Updates provide me with up-to-date information on my field of working which is focused on dementia care. I have accessed guidelines mentioned in one of the articles to improve patients' quality of care and also developed my own understanding of interventions for dementia that can be effectively used in general hospital settings.

Being able to access UpToDate is in my opinion essential in providing immediate high quality care for patients with less common conditions presenting to hospital. I find it invaluable.

I was able to use library resources for examination preparation. I was able to get a very new book from the library which was very helpful in the examination. In view of passing my exam, I am doing more for the department and I am more confident in decisions made for patient care.

There were also some suggestions for improvement, and we'll be having a look at these as we look at our priorities.

Thank you to everyone that completed the survey, and congratulations to the three people that won book tokens!

You can download the full survey results, and if you have any more feedback, or more stories about how we've had a impact, we'd be happy to hear from you.

Healthy Lives Collections at Telford and Shrewsbury Health Libraries

Look out for promotions, displays, books and masses of handy take-away leaflets on a variety of health topics to help staff and patients maintain a healthy lifestyle.

For example:

  • Diet and diabetes
  • Giving up smoking
  • Mindfulness
  • Dementia
  • and much more...

Come along and investigate our Healthy Lives collections for lots of information to help maintain a better style of living.

Making borrowing even easier!

We’ve recently introduced automatic renewals on our books, with 5 auto-renewals for 28 day loans, and 10 auto-renewals for 14 day loans.

This means that unless the book is reserved by someone else, or has come from another library, you won't need to worry about forgetting to renew your loans as we'll do it for you.

We’ll still send reminders about what you have out on loan, and we'll let you know if we’re unable to auto-renew your books for any reason.

This is something we've been asked about for some time, and thankfully due a library system upgrade we've been able to introduce it. If you have other comments on library services, or if there are services or resources you'd like to see, you can fill out our library survey until the end of January and be in with a chance to win a £20 book token. You can also contact us at any time with feedback or suggestions.

Serious fun with educational board games

Did you know that we stock a range of educational board games to make learning about important topics engaging and fun?

These can be borrowed for use with your team, and library staff can come and help facilitate a game for your team.

The complete list is below, with links to the publishers website for more information on how they work, numbers of players, time to allow etc.

Rapid e-book series for reference or revision

The 'Rapid' series of e-books are concise and easy-to-read, and ideal for reference or revision, covering the common scenarios that students or newly qualified staff might encounter.

They can be read online or downloaded to a mobile device for 24/7 access, and are available to library members via NHS OpenAthens.

You can access them on our virtual bookshelf, or you can search the whole collection of 20,000 e-books via OmniSearch.


Flash Cards available to borrow from Telford Health Library

Boxes of themed flashcards are available to borrow from SaTH Health Libraries.  They are packs of short sharp facts to help you gain skills quickly and easily – ideal study aids.  They are perfect for revision or to update your skills base. Titles include:

Gray’s Anatomy for Students

Netter’s Anatomy

Netter’s Physiology

Case Cards – common consulting challenges

Visit our catalogue to request and renew titles.



BMJ Case Reports: share and learn from interesting cases

We've just renewed our subscription to BMJ Case Reports, a collection of over 15,000 case reports across all fields of medicine. Publishing a case report is a great way to share details of interesting cases on common and rare diseases.

Shrewsbury and Telford Health Libraries have a fellowship account on behalf of SaTH, and as well as allowing you to access the full-text of all the cases via an NHS OpenAthens account or on any SaTH PC, you can also submit case reports for publication without having to pay publication fees. Case reports submitted for publication are peer-reviewed quickly, usually appearing in the journal within 25 days, and BMJ Case Reports is indexed in the Medline database.

A number of case reports by Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust staff have already been published.

If you want to submit a case report, our fellowship number is 915046 and instructions for authors can be found on the BMJ Case Reports website.

NHS Care Certificate Reading List

Are you undertaking the NHS Care Certificate, or know someone who is? We've put together a reading list of useful material such as books, journal articles, educational board games, and websites to help you meet the requirements of each of the 15 areas.

This can be accessed on our website, or you can download a PDF copy.

Online access to the British Journal of Healthcare Assistants is only available to Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust staff via an NHS OpenAthens account. Library members in other organisations can request a copy of articles required from this journal.

We're grateful to Exeter Health Library for the inspiration to put this together.

Using KnowledgeShare to keep to date with professional interests

KnowledgeShare Evidence Updates is our personalised service to keep you up to date with new knowledge and evidence in healthcare.

As well as covering the whole range of physical and mental health conditions and risk factors, KnowledgeShare also covers a huge range of professional interests such as research, management and leadership, patient experience, quality and safety, finance and procurement, service design and using evidence.

Download the complete list of professional topics to see what you could be missing out on, and then use the evidence update form to either join KnowledgeShare, or if you're already signed up we'll update your categories for you.



Searching for systematic reviews using Epistemonikos

If you're searching for systematic reviews of evidence, you may find Epistemonikos a useful resource. Unlike the Cochrane Library, this contains systematic reviews from many sources (it does also contain some primary research articles that have been included in the reviews, but the main focus is systematic reviews).

Systematic reviews are an excellent source of high-quality evidence, and should use a clearly formulated question and systematic and explicit methods to identify, select, and critically appraise relevant research, and collect and analyse data from the studies that are included in the review.

While most of the systematic reviews included will be included in other sources such as Medline and EMBASE, they are not always easy to locate (though we have added some search filters to the Knowledge Navigator page to make this easier).

We've added Epistemonikos to the Systematic Review section of our Knowledge Navigator, where you'll find useful guidance and sources for locating many different types of evidence. Alternatively, why not simply ask us to conduct an evidence search for you?.