Cochrane Library

...are available in full-text. The main databases are: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, the leading resource for systematic reviews and meta-analyses in health care. This includes completed reviews and protocols...


Medline is a good start for evidence searches in all areas of medicine, surgery, nursing, midwifery and allied health. Medline is produced by the National Library of Medicine in...


EMBASE is a widely-used database for searching the biomedical and pharmacological journal literature. It is produced by Elsevier and coverage is from 1974 onwards. It indexes over 6,100...


would recommend you also search CINAHL for a comprehensive search on nursing, midwifery and allied health topics as there is unique content in each database. Download our guide to Searching Healthcare...


BrowZine allows you to browse journals available to your organisation. Journals can be browed by topic, or you can search for a specific title to check for access. You...