Request a Book

Books available in our libraries can be reserved on the Health Libraries Midlands (HeLM) catalogue even if they are available on the shelf, or you can contact us to reserve items.

For books not held locally, use the form below to make a request.

Your details

Your name (required)

Department or Ward


Email Address (required)

Telephone Number

Library card number

If you're not currently a library member, you'll need to join before we can supply you with the book

Organisation (required)

If you specified 'Other' as your organisation, please provide details or who you are working for or studying with

Collection location (required)

Book details

Title (required)




ISBN (if known)

Your information
We will use the information provided by you to process your request, and this may include adding details of the loan to our library management system. For more information about how your information is used, visit our privacy policy.

We will respond to your request within five working days to let you know if we will purchase it or borrow it from elsewhere. Please note that it can take longer than this to obtain a copy.