Current trends in head and neck surgery: Use of recurrent laryngeal nerve monitoring (RLNM) (2014)

Type of publication:
Conference abstract

Babatola O., *Karamchandani D., *Ahsan S.F.

International Journal of Surgery, November 2014, vol./is. 12/(S39)

Introduction: Aim is to understand the patterns of use of nerve monitoring in UK surgical practice. Methods: An electronic questionnaire was sent to the 434 members of the ENT-UK expert panel in 2012. 86 members (22.4%) of the panel identified themselves as having an interest or subspecialty related to thyroid surgery. The survey contained 8 questions on their current practice in thyroid or parathyroid surgery, their typical use of the recurrent laryngeal nerve stimulator and any patient selection criteria that they may have. Demographic data on the surgeon's year of gaining consultancy and number of procedures performed per annum was also obtained. Results: Of 100 respondents (23.04% response rate) of this panel, 50 of these surgeons performed thyroid and/or parathyroid surgery on a regular basis and the following results pertain to this group. 58.3% use the RLNS in almost all cases that they perform. A further 12.5% used it in fewer than half of their cases. 29.2% did not use the stimulator at all. Conclusions: Currently there appears to be no true consensus among the surgeons performing thyroid surgery on use of RLNS in thyroid surgery.

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