Endocervical Crypt Involvement by CIN2-3 as a Predictor of Cytology Recurrence After Excisional Cervical Treatment. (2015)

Type of publication:
Journal article

*Papoutsis, Dimitrios, *Panikkar, Jane, *Underwood, Martyn, Blundell, Sue, *Sahu, Banchita, *Blackmore, Jill, *Reed, Nicholas

Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease, Oct 2015, vol. 19, no. 4, p. 311-318

The primary objective was to determine whether endocervical crypt involvement (ECI) by cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) on the excised cervical tissue after large loop excision of the transformation zone (LLETZ) represents a predictor of cytology recurrence. Secondary objective was to identify the ability of a pretreatment cervical punch biopsy to predict cytology recurrence. This was a case series study conducted in an NHS hospital. Women with LLETZ treatment performed over a 2-year period (2010-2011) were identified through our colposcopy database. Women with previous cervical treatment, cervical cancer on cone histopathology, or missing follow-up data were excluded. A group of 526 eligible women was identified over the study period. Crypt involvement was not a predictor of recurrence in the total sample. However, in the subgroup of women with CIN2-3 on pretreatment punch biopsy and with ECI on cone specimen in comparison to those without ECI, we identified an increased risk for overall cytology recurrence (HR, 3.1; 95% CI, 1.04-9.28; P = 0.043) and a trend for increased risk of high-grade cytology recurrence (HR, 4.62; 95% CI, 0.84-25.28; P = 0.07). A pretreatment punch biopsy showing crypt involvement by CIN2-3 was indicative of women at risk for abnormal cytology after excision. In women with CIN2-3 on pretreatment punch biopsy and ECI on excised tissue, the high-grade cytology recurrence was significantly reduced if more than 1.9 cm of cervix was removed. It seems that the presence of crypt involvement on the excised cervix in the subgroup of women with CIN2-3 on pretreatment punch biopsy is predictive of cytology recurrence.