Triple Negative Male Breast Cancer (2021)

Type of publication:
Conference abstract

Qavi Q.; Alkistawi F.; Lesi O.; Asaad A.; Abdalla Al-Zawi A.S.; Abraham B.; Kumar S.; Ahmed R.; Barron M.; Arooj *Khan K.; Syed A.; Deniz E.; Abduljawad N.H.; Idaewor P.; Aladili Z.; Rasheed N.; Eldruki S.; Uddin A.

European Journal of Surgical Oncology; Feb 2021; vol. 47 (no. 2)

Background: Male breast cancer (MBC) is a rare malignancy, may present at advanced disease stage. Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) known to have the poorest prognosis of all other histological types of breast cancer. This paper presents a case of 71 years old gentleman diagnosed with TNBC. Material(s) and Method(s): A 71 years old male patient, presented with a right breast lump of a recent history also has chronic kidney disease, gastroesophageal reflux,, and excision of basal cell carcinoma of abdominal wall. Clinically he had a skin dent and apalpable 3cm lump underneath in the right breast axillary tail. Mammogramand breast US showed suspicious lesion in right breast axillary tail in additionto a suspicious lymph node in right axilla. Imaging guided core biopsies weretaken from the breast and axillary abnormalities. The histology revealed grade1 invasive ductal carcinoma NST, ER 0 and PR 0 and HER 2 negative. The Breast Multidisciplinary Team meeting advised for mastectomy and axillary clearance, this has been performed. The postoperative Pathomorphology report revealed 23 mm triple negative invasive ductal carcinoma NST, grade 1with Ki67 10%, T2N1M0. The postoperative MDT recommended annual surveillance with mammogram for 5 years. Result(s): MBC is very rare, it is the cause of 1% of all malignant diseases in men, andcauses < 1% of all breast cancers in both males and females.MBC is diagnosed at an average of 10 years later than the age at which breast cancer is diagnosed in females at 65 years of age.There are some reported risk factors associated with MBC as, cryptorchidism, family history, Klinefelter's syndrome, infertility and smoking. Also it has been reported that Only 1/3 of male patients who have BRCA1/2 mutation maydevelop malignancy of breast, pancreas and prostate. Similar to female breast cancer, the most histological type of male breast cancer is invasive ductalcarcinoma NST, and the oestrogen hormone receptors expression is greaterthan in females (up to 95%).Male triple negative breast cancer (MTNBC) is associated with aggressivedisease course, late stage of diagnosis, large size of the tumour size, hightumor histological grade, and high rate nodal disease, also is reported more in a younger patients.Mastectomy is the mainstay of surgical treatment and the triple-negative breast cancer generally has a better to chemotherapy than tumours with oestrogen hormone-receptor positive expression. Adjuvant radiotherapy is recommended, however it doesn't effect the cause-specific survival rate. Conclusion(s): MBC is uncommon entity, accounting for < 1% of all breast cancer diagnosed in both genders and the MTNBC still is rarer, and mastectomy is the mainstay of surgical treatment. in addition to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, however the later doesn't effect the cause-specific survival rate.