Improving the Outcome of Patients With Heart Failure: Assessment of Iron Deficiency and Intravenous Iron Replacement (2023)

Type of publication:Journal article

Author(s):*Yera, Hassan O; Khan, Ahsan; Akinlade, Olawale M; Champsi, Asgher; Glouzon, Van Nam J; Spencer, Charles.

Citation:Cureus. 15(10):e47027, 2023 Oct.

Abstract:Background Iron deficiency (ID) has been shown to be a significant co-morbidity in patients with heart failure (HF), independent of their anaemia status. Correction of ID has been shown to improve quality of life, recurrent heart failure hospitalizations and morbidity. A quality improvement project was designed to improve the assessment and treatment of iron deficiency in HFatients in our tertiary care centre. Methods and results An initial baseline dataset was collected, followed by two cycles of interventions to help improve the care of HF patients admitted to our hospital over a two-month period. The Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle approach was applied, with the first intervention involving raising awareness of the importance and need to assess the iron status of HF patients through education provided to doctors, nurses and patients. Furthermore, information leaflets were produced and disseminated across the medical wards and through social media forums. The post-intervention datasets were collected and compared to the baseline outcomes. Baseline data showed that only four (20%) of heart failure patients had their iron status checked. Following the interventions, screening for ID increased to 80% (16), of which 85% (11) of those who identified as iron deficient received intravenous iron replacement. Conclusion The project was successful in improving the practice of screening for iron deficiency and intravenous replacement of iron in patients with HF.

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