Type of publication:
Systematic Review
Murtaza, Rashid; Clarke, Olivia; Sivakanthan, Tharshan; Al-Sarireh, Hashim; Al-Sarireh, Ahmad; Raza, Muhammad Musa; *Navid, Ahmad Zia; Ali, Baqar; Hajibandeh, Shahin; Hajibandeh, Shahab
American Surgeon. 31348241265149, 2024 Jul 20 [epub ahead of print]
AIMS: The aim is to investigate the effect of alvimopan on postoperative ileus and length of hospital stay in patients undergoing bowel resection. METHODS: The PRISMA statement standards were followed to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis. The available literature was searched to identify all studies comparing alvimopan with no alvimopan in patients undergoing bowel resection. Postoperative ileus and length of hospital stay were the primary outcomes, and time to first bowel motion was the secondary outcome. Random-effects modeling was applied for analyses. RESULTS: Analysis of 94 833 patients from 26 studies showed that alvimopan was associated with lower risk of postoperative ileus (OR: .57, 95% CI .48 to .67, P <.00001; high GRADE certainty), shorter length of hospital stay (MD: -1.08 day, 95% CI -1.36 to -.81, P < .00001; moderate GRADE certainty), and shorter time to first bowel motion (MD: -.43 day, 95% CI -.58 to -.28, P < .00001; moderate GRADE certainty). Separate analyses of randomized controlled trials and observational studies showed similar findings. Subgroup analyses suggested consistent findings in patients undergoing elective bowel resection, emergency bowel resection, and open surgery; however, alvimopan did not improve the outcomes in patients undergoing minimally invasive surgery. CONCLUSION: Robust evidence supports the routine use of alvimopan in patients undergoing open bowel resection as indicated by lower risk of postoperative ileus and shorter length of hospital stay. We support incorporation of alvimopan into enhanced recovery after surgery programs for the procedures involving open bowel resection. The role of alvimopan in minimally invasive bowel resection needs more research.
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