Altered body image, disordered eating, and suboptimal glycaemic control in type 1 diabetes: Is technology and GLP1 agonists an option? (2024)

Type of publication:
Conference abstract

*Basavaraju N.; *Jones M.; *Moulik P.

British Journal of Diabetes. Conference: ABCD Diabetes Update. Loughborough United Kingdom. 24(1) (pp 112-113), 2024. Date of Publication: June 2024.

Introduction: Disordered eating in type 1 diabetes (T1DM) is associated with diabetes distress and suboptimal glycaemic control. We present a case of T1DM with binge eating disorder, discussing the benefits of GLP-1 analogues with continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) therapy. Case: A 35-year-old female was diagnosed with T1DM in 2012, at 24 years of age, and commenced on basal bolus insulin. She had two pregnancies over the next seven years with good glycaemic control. There was pronounced dawn phenomenon post-pregnancy which was reflected in her erratic Freestyle Libre glucose readings. CSII therapy with Tandem T-slim was commenced a year later, in October 2020. Over the next 12-18 months, she was diagnosed with depression and hypertension, missed her outpatient diabetes clinic appointments, and struggled with diabetes management and fear of hypoglycaemia. During mid-2022 she developed mental health issues, with hallucinations and binge eating and a likely diagnosis of bipolar personality disorder. Later in the year, she was commenced on Tandem T-slim CSII and Dexcom G6 with Basal IQ technology. There was no evidence of retinopathy or neuropathy on annual diabetes screening. During outpatient diabetes review in February 2023, there was recurrent insulin pump auto-suspend followed by rebound hyperglycaemia and hence overnight basal insulin was reduced. Six months later, her weight had increased and glycaemic control worsened due to continued binge eating, missing pre-meal boluses, and she continued to be under the mental health liaison team. Her insulin was changed from Novorapid to Lyumjev (after discussion with the patient due to licensing criteria with the insulin pump) to accommodate binge eating hyperglycaemia and she was supported by motivational interviewing whilst awaiting review by eating disorders services. A month later, in October 2023, after CSII MDT discussion, she was commenced on control IQ – hybrid closed loop (HCL). In November 2023, her GMI (Glucose Management Indicator) improved, and she was commenced on dulaglutide after full discussion and patient consent including licensing criteria in T1DM. A month later, her food cravings reduced, she felt more positive about diabetes self-management and her insulin requirement reduced from 108 units to 98 units (basal 38%, bolus 62%). Her weight, BMI, HbA1c and ambulatory glucose profile data are shown in the Table. Discussion(s): HCL helped to improve glycaemic control by increasing TIR and reducing HbA1c. GLP-1 analogues have shown positive effects on reducing binge eating and weight loss. The combination of HCL and GLP-1 analogue in this patient resulted in lower insulin doses, positive attitude towards diabetes self-management along with improved clinical parameters and patient satisfaction. Binge eating disorders are associated with obesity and increase in cardiovascular risk. GLP-1 analogues in obese T1DM patients improve metabolic profile, weight, HbA1c and insulin requirement, with no increase in incidence of diabetic ketoacidosis or hypoglycaemia. There are no reported cases of T1DM with binge eating disorder on GLP-1 analogues in the literature and hence further studies are warranted.

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