Acute Floor Test of Change Week- Short Stay Utilisation June 2024 (2024)

Type of publication:

Service improvement case study


*Rebekah Tudor


SaTH Improvement Hub, June 2024


Increase the number of true short stay patients (Length of Stay less than 72 hours) to 80% of patients on short stay units cross site (Ward 10 and Ward 22SS) by 26th June 2024.

Link to PDF poster

Development of a TEAM-ENTS simulation based training day (2024)

Type of publication:

Conference abstract


Shah A.; Kelly S.; Powell S.; Henderson N.; Jackson T.; Richardson S.; *Ball A.; Livett H.; Murugananthan A.


Gut. Conference: British Society of Gastroenterology Congress, BSG 2024. Birmingham United Kingdom. 73(Supplement 1) (pp A237-A238), 2024. Date of Publication: June 2024.


Introduction Non-technical skills impact clinical outcomes and team performance.1 Endoscopy team behaviours have been mapped to 5 categories, 16 elements and 47 behavioural descriptors via a national DELPHI process (Teamwork in Endoscopy Assessment Module for Endoscopic Non-Technical Skills-TEAM-ENTS).1 Training in non-technical skills can improve team performance.2 A pilot simulation based TEAMENTS course was devised and piloted. Methods Faculty with prior training and experience in delivering ENTS focused simulation courses agreed objectives and designed scenarios. Faculty agreement extended the training offer to administrative and clerical teams. Participating teams from 3 Trusts provided teams of 4 participants (endoscopist, 2 workforce and 1 administration). Senior staff also attended from participating sites as observers. Pre and post course evaluation was via electronic questionnaires, analysed with Wilcoxon signed rank test. Results Teams members were endoscopists (band 7 Clinical Endoscopists), nurse workforce members [band 7 (1), band 5 (4) and band 2 (1)] and 3 admin team members. 5 observers also attended (2 Consultants and 3 band 6 nurses). Delegate and pooled course attendee data is displayed in table 1. All participants felt the scenarios were realistic and strongly agreed (87%) or agreed (13%) the course would change their practice. All delegates expressed they would have been comfortable working in different teams and they would recommend the course to others. Conclusions Delegates and observers expressed high background knowledge levels of all parameters of TEAM-ENTS categories resulting in little improvement with post course scores. Confidence in the ability to display categories of TEAM ENTS showed improvement in delegates as well as all attendees including observers. Further pilot courses will continue to shape this novel training offer.

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