Serious infections hospital admissions and mortality in patients with early inflammatory arthritis: results from the National Early Inflammatory Arthritis Audit (2024)

Type of publication:

Conference abstract


Adas M.; Bechman K.; Russell M.; Karafotias I.; Nagra D.; Patel S.; Gallagher S.; Price E.; *Garton M.; Rutherford A.; Cope A.; Norton S.; Galloway J.;


Rheumatology. Conference: British Society for Rheumatology Annual Conference, BSR 2024. Liverpool United Kingdom. 63(Supplement 1) (pp i12), 2024. Date of Publication: 01 Apr 2024.


Background/Aims To identify the risk of serious infections (SI) according to initial treatment strategy, using conventional synthetic disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (csDMARD) and corticosteroids, in patients recruited to the National Early Inflammatory Arthritis Audit (NEIAA). Methods An observational cohort study design was used. The population included adults in England with a new onset rheumatoid arthritis (RA), fulfilling ACR/EULAR 2010 criteria, between April 2018-March 2021. Outcomes studied were SI, defined by infections requiring hospitalisation (primary admission diagnosis/nosocomial acquisition) or death (SI stated on death certificate), identified using NHS Digital linkage. Patients' characteristics were tabulated by treatment strategies. Hazard ratios (HR) were calculated using single failure Cox proportional-hazards models, with confounders- adjusted models (age, gender, smoking status, comorbidities, social deprivation) and fully-adjusted models including disease factors (seropositivity, DAS28). Individuals were considered at risk from the date of RA diagnosis, and censored at SI event, death, or March 2021 (whichever was earliest). Results 20,060 patients with RA were included. Initial DMARD therapy was known for 19,572 patients, of whom 11,966 were on methotrexate/ MTX based strategies (mono or combo), 5,059 on csDMARD combination strategies (other than MTX) and 2,547 on no DMARD strategy. 15,319 patients were on corticosteroids at baseline. Mean age 59.5 years (+/-15); 63% female; smoking status (20% current; 30% ex-smokers); comorbidities (21% hypertension; 10% diabetes; and 12% lung disease). Rheumatoid Factor/CCP antibodies were positive in 68%. At presentation, median disease scores were 5.1 (interquartile range [IQR]: 4.0-5.9) for DAS28, 1.1 (IQR: 0.6-1.7) for health assessment questionnaire (HAQ) and 24 (IQR: 16.0-33.0) for musculoskeletal health questionnaire (MSKHQ).There were 519 SI admissions and 17 SI deaths, corresponding to incidence rates per 100 person-years for admissions: 3.19 (95% CI: 2.93-3.48) and deaths: 0.10 (95% CI: 0.06-0.16). In fullyadjusted models, increasing age predicted both SI admissions and deaths. Being a smoker, having a comorbidity, higher disease activity (DAS28), symptom burden (MSKHQ) and disability (HAQ) at presentation associated with more SI admissions. For each 1 unit increase in DAS28, the risk of SI increased by 8% (HR 1.08 [95% CI:1.01-1.16]). Seropositivity did not associate with SI. MTX-based strategies 0.75 (95% CI:0.62-0.91) and csDMARD combination therapy 0.70 (95% CI:0.53-0.94) associated with fewer SI admissions compared to no DMARD. In unadjusted models, corticosteroid associated with more SI admissions 1.29 (95% CI:1.10 -1.62); however, in fully-adjusted models this association was no longer statistically significant. csDMARD strategies did not associated with SI deaths in any of the models. Conclusion Patient and disease factors at diagnosis appear to be important predictors of admissions and mortality for serious infections. Infection risk appears to be greatest in those with higher RA disease activity. An important limitation is that NEIAA does not capture data on treatment changes over time and steroid use beyond baseline.

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The changing landscape of traumatic brain injuries at a district general hospital in a trauma network (2025)

Type of publication:

Journal article


Abualsaud, Suhaib; Elmahdi, Ahmed; *Youssef, Mohamed; Jayakumar, Nithish; Lahart, Ian; Ashwood, Neil.


British Journal of Neurosurgery. 1-6, 2025 Feb 22.


BACKGROUND: Major trauma networks were introduced in 2012 onwards with a major trauma centre (MTC) linked to district general hospitals (DGH). Most traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are managed in DGHs, without on-site neurosurgical services. It is unclear whether the characteristics of TBIs at DGHs have differed since the network was introduced. We compare outcomes of TBI patients pre- (2008-2012) and post-MTC (2013-2021) network implementation.

METHODS: We conducted a retrospective analysis of TBI patients admitted to a 500-bedded DGH, before and after the introduction of a trauma network. We compared the characteristics of patients, including age, mechanism of injury, imaging findings, and length of stay. All statistical analyses were carried out in SPSS v29 (IBM).

RESULTS: Overall, 876 patients (males = 56.1%; median age 67 years) were included. Mean yearly cases pre-MTC was 76 compared to 55 in the post-MTC period. Mean age was significantly higher, and patients had more co-morbidities, in the post-MTC period (p < 0.001). Mean GCS at presentation was not significantly different between the pre- and post-MTC periods (13.7 vs 13.8, respectively). Referrals to the regional neurosurgical centre were significantly higher in the post-MTC period. The overall mortality rate was 33.7%. Increasing age (OR = 1.072), higher comorbidities (OR = 1.243) and intracerebral haematoma (OR = 6.269) were associated with a higher risk of death. The post-MTC period was associated with a lower risk of death (OR = 0.501).

CONCLUSIONS: Fewer patients with less severe mechanisms of injury, and a more elderly population are now being managed at our DGH in the post-MTC period. Mortality was similar to published literature but the introduction of the trauma system was associated with lower risk of death. Although fewer TBIs help to optimise service delivery by maintaining orthopaedic bed capacity, the reduced exposure to these patients may lead to lowered expertise in managing these complex cases.

Doctor when can I drive? A systematic review and meta-analysis of brake reaction time in patients returning to driving after hip arthroscopy for femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) (2025)

Type of publication:

Journal article


*Patel, Ravi; Sokhal, Balamrit Singh; Fenton, Carl; Omonbude, Daniel; Banerjee, Robin; Nandra, Rajpal.


Hip International, 2025 Feb 24.[epub ahead of print]


BACKGROUND: A common question from patients undergoing hip arthroscopy for femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is when they may return to driving.

PURPOSE: We aimed to perform a formal systematic review and meta-analysis to address this issue.

METHODS: A systematic review and meta-analysis followed PRISMA guidelines. Databases searched included OVID, EMBASE, and COCHRANE through July 2024 for articles with keywords and MeSH terms like "Hip arthroscopy," "Femoroacetabular Impingement," "total brake response time," and "reaction time" related to driving. Titles and full articles were reviewed for quality and relevance. Statistical analysis was done using Review Manager Version 5.4.A total of 39 articles were reviewed, with 5 meeting inclusion criteria. All selected articles used brake reaction time (BRT) as an outcome measure. A meta-analysis compared pre- and postoperative BRT values. Data were analysed for the right and left hips combined, followed by a subgroup analysis by laterality. BRT values were divided into preoperative and 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks postoperative periods.

RESULTS: The studies assessed 160 patients, with 142 undergoing hip arthroscopy for FAI. The mean age was 32.75 +/- 9.4 years, with a male-to-female ratio of 73:69. The right hip was affected in 68% of
patients. Preoperative BRT ranged from 566 to 1960 milliseconds, while postoperative BRT ranged from 567 to 1860 milliseconds between week 2 and week 12.

CONCLUSIONS: BRTs returned to baseline or control values and continued to improve 4 weeks post-surgery for FAI. It is safe to recommend a return to driving at 4 weeks after hip arthroscopy for FAI.

Severe hypocalcemia and hypophosphatemia following Denosumab administration in a multi-comorbidity patient (2025)

Type of publication:

Journal article


*Sagdeo, Anuja; *Elshehawy, Mahmoud; Rakieh, Chadi; Ball, Patrick; Morrissey, Hana.


Medicine & Pharmacy Reports. 98(1):144-148, 2025 Jan.


The case is presented of an elderly patient (DCP) with extensive medical history, including osteoporosis, who developed hypocalcaemia and hypophosphataemia whilst treated with denosumab, while prescribed concomitant calcium and vitamin D therapies. The management of this complex case involved a multidisciplinary team (MDT) approach, incorporating the patient's wishes. It included discontinuation of denosumab and intravenous (IV) and oral mineral supplementation that yielded gradual amelioration of calcium and phosphate levels. This case demonstrates the importance of vigilant monitoring and appropriate management in patients receiving denosumab, particularly those with multiple comorbidities. It carries important considerations for using denosumab for osteoporosis treatment in patients with complex medical backgrounds. Ethical clearance waiver was granted by the Trust Research Ethics Committee on 18/01/2024.

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Leadership and service improvement (2025)

Type of publication:

Journal article


*Hamer, Chelsea


OTnews, March 2025, p. 48-50


Last year, Chelsea Hamer completed a leadership placement which saw her focus on upskilling staff and introducing splinting within an inpatient occupational therapy service for neurological patients. Here she shares the outcomes.

Ethnic and Socioeconomic Variation in Pre-Conception Long-Term Conditions: A Cross-Sectional Electronic Health Record Study of 3.4 Million Pregnancies in CPRD Aurum (2025)

Type of publication:

Journal article


Cockburn N.; Singh M.; Wambua S.; Gonzalez-Izquierda A.; Lee S.I.; Phillips K.; *Elsmore A.; *Ilaalagan R.; Holland R.; Hanley S.J.; Laws E.; Hodgetts-Morton V.; Gibbon M.; Judd N.A.; Seymour R.G.; Taylor B.; Chandan J.S.; *Parry-Smith W.; Nirantharakumar K.


SSRN. (no pagination), 2025. Date of Publication: 23 Jan 2025 [preprint]


Background: Inequalities in pregnancy outcomes between different ethnic groups and backgrounds of deprivation have been observed in the UK and elsewhere for several decades. Pre-existing long-term health conditions increase risks of adverse outcomes and require focussed action to diagnose, prevent, and manage these conditions. We aimed to estimate differences in the prevalence of pre-conception long-term conditions between different groups to assess health needs.

Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in primary care using Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) Aurum data. Diagnostic information was extracted from CPRD Aurum at the beginning of all eligible pregnancies for 79 conditions between 2000 and 2021. Age-standardised was estimated and risk ratios calculated between the overall population, and ethnic groups and Index of Multiple Deprivation quintiles. Statistical process control was used to detect conditions with elevated prevalence within groups.

Findings: In 2021, at the start of a pregnancy, women from ethnic minority groups were less likely to have been diagnosed with any one of the 79 conditions than the general population. Women from mixed ethnic groups were 4% more likely to be diagnosed, and from white ethnic groups 2% more likely to be diagnosed. Women from black groups were 5% less likely to be diagnosed, from Asian groups 26%, other ethnic groups 32%, and women missing ethnic group information 13%. Women living in the most deprived quintile of areas were 8% more likely to have been diagnosed than the overall population, and from least deprived areas 8% less likely to have been diagnosed.

Interpretation: Pre-existing long-term conditions are a major driver of maternal morbidity and mortality, but the healthcare needs and policy priorities differ substantially between ethnic and socially disadvantaged groups. Universal health policies that narrow inequalities and targeted action are both needed to meet health needs equitably.

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Assessing SPECT/CT for the identification of cartilage lesions in the knee joint: A systematic review (2025)

Type of publication:

Systematic review


Rix L.; *Tushingham S.; Wright K.; Snow M.;


Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Open. 7(1) (no pagination), 2025. Article Number: 100577. Date of Publication: 01 Mar 2025.


Background: Single-photon emission computerised tomography with conventional computer tomography (SPECT/CT) is an emerging technology which may hold clinical value for the identification of cartilage lesions in the knee joint. The intensity and distribution of SPECT/CT uptake tracer may identify physiological and structural information in the absence of structural change on other imaging modalities.

Objective(s): To systematically assess the utility of SPECT/CT in the detection of chondral lesions within the knee joint, in patients presenting with knee pain, with or without structural change.

Result(s): PubMed, Science Direct, Web of Knowledge, and NHS databases were searched for English language articles focusing on the diagnostic value of SPECT/CT for knee chondral lesions and knee pain. Animal studies, cadaver studies, comparator radiological technique other than SPECT/CT or patients with a pathology other than knee chondral lesions were excluded. From the search, 11,982 manuscripts were identified, and screened for relevance. Seven studies were identified and scored low on QUADAS-2 bias review. SPECT/CT correlated with lesions found on other imaging modalities and during intraoperative assessment. Furthermore, in some cases, SPECT/CT out-performed other modalities in the detection of cartilage lesions.

Conclusion(s): Evidence suggests SPECT/CT may be a useful tool for the detection and localisation of cartilage lesions, particularly in discrepant cases when there is an absence of lesions on other imaging modalities, or a lack of correlation with patients' symptoms. Further studies are required to confirm the conclusions of this review.

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Description and Cross-Sectional Analyses of 25,880 Adults and Children in the UK National Registry of Rare Kidney Diseases Cohort (2024)

Type of publication:

Journal article


Wong K.; Pitcher D.; Braddon F.; Downward L.; Steenkamp R.; Masoud S.; Annear N.; Barratt J.; Bingham C.; Coward R.J.; Chrysochou T.; Game D.; Griffin S.; Hall M.; Johnson S.; Kanigicherla D.; Karet Frankl F.; Kavanagh D.; Kerecuk L.; Maher E.R.; Moochhala S.; Sayer J.A.; Simms R.; Sinha S.; Srivastava S.; Tam F.W.K.; Thomas K.; Turner A.N.; Walsh S.B.; Waters A.; Wilson P.; Wong E.; Sy K.T.L.; Huang K.; Ye J.; Nitsch D.; Saleem M.; Bockenhauer D.; Bramham K.; Gale D.P.; Abat S.; Adalat S.; Agbonmwandolor J.; Ahmad Z.; Alejmi A.; Almasarwah R.; Asgari E.; Ayers A.; Baharani J.; Balasubramaniam G.; Kpodo F.J.-B.; Bansal T.; Barratt A.; Bates M.; Bayne N.; Bendle J.; Benyon S.; Bergmann C.; Bhandari S.; Boddana P.; Bond S.; Branson A.; Brearey S.; Brocklebank V.; Budwal S.; Byrne C.; Cairns H.; Camilleri B.; Campbell G.; Capell A.; Carmody M.; Carson M.; Cathcart T.; Catley C.; Cesar K.; Chan M.; Chea H.; Chess J.; Cheung C.K.; Chick K.-J.; Chitalia N.; Christian M.; Clark K.; Clayton C.; Clissold R.; Cockerill H.; Coelho J.; Colby E.; Colclough V.; Conway E.; Cook H.T.; Cook W.; Cooper T.; Crosbie S.; Cserep G.; Date A.; Davidson K.; Davies A.; Dhaun N.; Dhaygude A.; Diskin L.; Dixit A.; Doctolero E.A.; Dorey S.; Downard L.; Drayson M.; Dreyer G.; Dutt T.; Etuk K.; Evans D.; Finch J.; Flinter F.; Fotheringham J.; Francis L.; Gallagher H.; Garcia E.L.; Gavrila M.; Gear S.; Geddes C.; Gilchrist M.; Gittus M.; Goggolidou P.; Goldsmith C.; Gooden P.; Goodlife A.; Goodwin P.; Grammatikopoulos T.; Gray B.; Griffith M.; Gumus S.; Gupta S.; Hamilton P.; Harper L.; Harris T.; Haskell L.; Hayward S.; Hegde S.; Hendry B.; Hewins S.; Hewitson N.; Hillman K.; Hiremath M.; Howson A.; Htet Z.; Huish S.; Hull R.; Humphries A.; Hunt D.P.J.; Hunter K.; Hunter S.; Ijeomah-Orji M.; Inston N.; Jayne D.; Jenfa G.; Jenkins A.; Jones C.A.; Jones C.; Jones A.; Jones R.; Kamesh L.; Frankl F.K.; Karim M.; Kaur A.; Kearley K.; Khwaja A.; King G.; Kislowska E.; Klata E.; Kokocinska M.; Lambie M.; Lawless L.; Ledson T.; Lennon R.; Levine A.P.; Maggie Lai L.W.; Lipkin G.; Lovitt G.; Lyons P.; Mabillard H.; Mackintosh K.; Mahdi K.; Maher E.; Marchbank K.J.; Mark P.B.; Masunda B.; Mavani Z.; Mayfair J.; McAdoo S.; Mckinnell J.; Melhem N.; Meyrick S.; Morgan P.; Morgan A.; Muhammad F.; Murray S.; Novobritskaya K.; Ong A.C.; Oni L.; Osmaston K.; Padmanabhan N.; Parkes S.; Patrick J.; Pattison J.; Paul R.; Percival R.; Perkins S.J.; Persu A.; Petchey W.G.; Pickering M.C.; Pinney J.; Plumb L.; Plummer Z.; Popoola J.; Post F.; Power A.; Pratt G.; Pusey C.; Rabara R.; Rabuya M.; Raju T.; Javier C.; Roberts I.S.; Roufosse C.; Rumjon A.; Salama A.; Sandford R.N.; *Sandu K.S.; Sarween N.; Sebire N.; Selvaskandan H.; Shah S.; Sharma A.; Sharples E.J.; Sheerin N.; Shetty H.; Shroff R.; Sinha M.; Smith K.; Smith L.; Stott I.; Stroud K.; Swift P.; Szklarzewicz J.; Tam F.; Tan K.; Taylor R.; Tischkowitz M.; Tse Y.; Turnbull A.; Tyerman K.; Usher M.; Venkat-Raman G.; Walker A.; Watt A.; Webster P.; Wechalekar A.; Welsh G.I.; West N.; Wheeler D.; Wiles K.; Willcocks L.; Williams A.; Williams E.; Williams K.; Wilson D.H.; Wilson P.D.; Winyard P.; Wood G.; Woodward E.; Woodward L.; Woolf A.; Wright D.;


Kidney International Reports. 9(7) (pp 2067-2083), 2024. Date of Publication: 01 Jul 2024.


Introduction: The National Registry of Rare Kidney Diseases (RaDaR) collects data from people living with rare kidney diseases across the UK, and is the world's largest, rare kidney disease registry. We present the clinical demographics and renal function of 25,880 prevalent patients and sought evidence of bias in recruitment to RaDaR.

Method(s): RaDaR is linked with the UK Renal Registry (UKRR, with which all UK patients receiving kidney replacement therapy [KRT] are registered). We assessed ethnicity and socioeconomic status in the following: (i) prevalent RaDaR patients receiving KRT compared with patients with eligible rare disease diagnoses receiving KRT in the UKRR, (ii) patients recruited to RaDaR compared with all eligible unrecruited patients at 2 renal centers, and (iii) the age-stratified ethnicity distribution of RaDaR patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) was compared to that of the English census.

Result(s): We found evidence of disparities in ethnicity and social deprivation in recruitment to RaDaR; however, these were not consistent across comparisons. Compared with either adults recruited to RaDaR or the English population, children recruited to RaDaR were more likely to be of Asian ethnicity (17.3% vs. 7.5%, P-value < 0.0001) and live in more socially deprived areas (30.3% vs. 17.3% in the most deprived Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) quintile, P-value < 0.0001).

Conclusion(s): We observed no evidence of systematic biases in recruitment of patients into RaDaR; however, the data provide empirical evidence of negative economic and social consequences (across all ethnicities) experienced by families with children affected by rare kidney diseases.

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Each Baby Counts: Learn and Support (2024)

Type of publication:

Service improvement case study


*Paula Pryce


SaTH Improvement Hub, September 2024


To introduce the communication tool and terminology of Each Baby Counts: Learn and Support to the team by the end of August 2024 as evidenced by observation of conversations and documentation.

Link to PDF poster