Statins As Anti-Hypertensive Therapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (2024)

Type of publication:
Systematic Review

Khan, Zahid; Gul, Amresh; Mlawa, Gideon; Bhattacharjee, Priyadarshini; Muhammad, Syed Aun; Carpio, Jonard; *Yera, Hassan; Wahinya, Maureen; Kazeza, Axel P; Amin, Mehul S; Gupta, Animesh.

Cureus. 16(4):e57825, 2024 Apr.

Hypertension is the most prevalent condition in clinical practice. Hypertension, diabetes, and hypercholesterolaemia are major contributing factors to cardiovascular diseases. They commonly coexist in a single patient. Statins have been used as prominent medicines for the reduction of cardiovascular events. Statins have been shown to reduce blood pressure in patients with hypertension and have lipid-lowering properties in recent articles. Statins reduce blood pressure because of their impact on endothelial function, their interactions with the renin-angiotensin system, and their influence on major artery compliance. This meta-analysis aimed to ascertain the effectiveness and efficacy of statins for managing hypertension in patients with hypertension. Systematic searches were conducted on PubMed, Science Direct, Embase, Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar. Randomized controlled trials, systematic trials, and cohort studies were retrieved using keywords on statins and their use in patients with hypertension. Exclusion criteria included studies that were not in the English language, studies that did not include patients on statins with hypertension, studies that did not provide enough information, technical reports, opinions, or editorials, and studies involving patients < 18 years old. The inclusion criteria were randomized controlled trials, meta-analyses, adult patients aged > 18 years old, and studies that were freely available or through institutional login. This meta-analysis scrutinized 9361 randomized controlled trials, clinical trials, meta-analyses, and systematic reviews, of which 32 articles including 25 randomized controlled trials and seven meta-analyses were included in the final analysis. This meta-analysis of the role of statins in hypertensive patients aimed to determine the outcome of hypertension control along with antihypertensive medication. Our study showed that statins are useful in reducing both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. We used a heterogeneous model for analysis due to variations in the study characteristics. The I2 value was 0.33 (0.76, 0.10) for systolic blood pressure and 0/88 (0.86, 0.90) for diastolic blood pressure. The I2 value for the seven meta-analyses included in the study was 1.79 (2.88, 0.69).

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Comparison of the Latarjet Procedure With the Modified Putti-Platt Surgery for Recurrent Anterior Shoulder Dislocation With Respect to Functional Outcome (2024)

Type of publication:
Journal article

Anjum, Ihtisham; Ullah, Ubaid; *Fazli Maula, Aimen; Haroon, Hamza; Ahmad, Yaseen; Hassan, Rao E; Shahid, Kashan; Hussain, Saddam; Haider, Waseem; Ullah, Rizwan

Cureus. 16(3):e57270, 2024 Mar.

Introduction Shoulder dislocation is the most common injury encountered in orthopedic outpatient department. The choice of procedure depends on the expertise of surgeons. The objective of this study was to compare the Latarjet procedure with the modified Putti-Platt surgery for recurrent anterior shoulder dislocation in terms of functional outcomes. Materials and methods A quasi-experimental study evaluated 60 patients with recurrent anterior shoulder instability. Patients were assigned to either Latarjet or modified Putti-Platt surgery. Functional outcomes were assessed at six months using the Constant-Murley shoulder score. Results This study encompassed 60 patients (mean age: 23.93+/-5.88 years) undergoing shoulder procedures. Functional outcomes exhibited a majority of 55% excellent, 35% good, 6.7% fair, and 3.3% poor outcomes. No significant differences in functional outcomes were found between the procedures. Conclusion Both procedures may be viable options for recurrent shoulder instability. The choice may depend on patient factors and surgeon preference. Further research is needed to refine techniques and identify ideal candidates.

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Is SPECT/CT a useful imaging tool for the identification of knee cartilage lesions: a systematic review (2024)

Type of publication:
Journal article

Rix L.; *Tushingham S.; Wright K.T.; Snow M.

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. Conference: 2024 OARSI World Congress on Osteoarthritis. Vienna Austria. 32(Supplement 1) (pp S353), 2024. Date of Publication: April 2024.

Purpose (the aim of the study): Anterior knee pain (AKP) is a common orthopaedic pain which affects individuals from the young and active to the elderly and sedentary. Though multifactorial in nature, the disorder is believed to occur through muscular imbalance, structural malalignment, overuse, and trauma. Subsequently, as time passes, this can cause damage to the cartilage, resulting in chondral lesions. Currently, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is defined as the gold standard imaging tool for chondral lesion detection. However, MRI mis-diagnoses around 20% of chondral lesions, and therefore is not a highly sensitive tool. An emerging imaging tool is single-photon emission computerised tomography with conventional computer tomography (SPECT/CT). Important diagnostic information may be provided from SPECT/CT for AKP patients who exhibit absence of structural change on other imaging modalities, and thus holds clinical value for the detection of knee chondral lesions. This review systematically assessed the utility of SPECT/CT as an imaging modality for knee pain, and its ability to diagnose chondral lesions for those patients who present clinically with knee pain. Method(s): Under PRISMA guidelines, a systematic search of databases was conducted in PubMed, Science Direct, and Web of Knowledge, CINAHL, AMED, Ovid Emcare and Embase. Inclusion criteria comprised of any English language article which focused on the diagnostic value of SPECT/CT for knee chondral lesions and knee pain. Further, any articles which focused on animal or cadaver studies, comparator technique other than SPECT/CT or patients with a pathology other than knee chondral lesions were excluded from the study. Articles that were deemed relevant underwent QUADAS-2 bias assessment. Result(s): After database search, manuscripts were identified, and 11,982 titles were screened for relevance. Seven studies were identified as suitable for inclusion based on eligibility criteria and were subjected to QUADAS-2 assessment. All 7 articles scored low for bias. Two papers found that ICRS score at intraoperative assessment correlated with SPECT/CT tracer uptake. Two studies concluded that whilst SPECT/CT tracer uptake significantly correlated with MRI, for some patients SPECT/CT identified more chondral lesions than MRI. Two papers compared bone scintigraphy (BS) to SPECT/CT, and found that SPECT/CT was able to identify, localise and characterise more chondral lesions in the knee than BS. Conclusion(s): The evidence found in this review suggests that SPECT/CT may be a useful imaging tool to detect and localise cartilage lesions of the knee. Particularly in those patients with conflicting cases whereby there is an absence of lesions on other imaging modalities, or a lack of resemblance with patients' symptoms. More studies would be of value to strengthen the conclusions of this review.

Frequency of CLAR and JAK2 mutations in Sudanese chronic myeloid leukemia patients with Philadelphia-positive disease (2024)

Type of publication:
Journal article

Yasin E.B.; *Yasin A.

Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 16(8) (pp 133-137), 2023. Date of Publication: August 2023.

Objective: It is well-established that myeloproliferative diseases coexist with CLAR and JAK2. In Ph+ chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), only a few case reports indicate the existence of CLAR, JAK2V617F, and JAK2 exon 12 mutations. Method(s): This study examined CALR and JAK2 mutation profiles in Sudanese Chronic Myeloid Leukemia patients with Philadelphia-positive patients. Blood samples were collected from 100 patients with Ph+ CML chromosomes. Results for the JAK2V617F mutation were confirmed using the TaqMan Mutation Detection Assay, and the four common mutations on exon 12 and CLAR mutations were confirmed using allele-specific PCR (AS-PCR) and Sanger sequencing. Result(s): CML patients with CALR frameshift mutations were detected in two patients (2%), patients with JAK2 exon 12 mutations were found in two patients (2%), and patients with JAK2V617F mutations made up 4 (4%) of the total CML patients. No significant relationships existed between mutations and age, WBC, RBC, Hb, HCT, or platelet parameters. Patients with CLAR, JAK2 exon 12, and JAK2V617F mutations have normal leukocyte counts and lower values compared to triple-negative Ph+ CML, but these differences are not statistically significant (p values for each 0.084, 0.173, and 0.072). Conclusion(s): It is conceivable for Ph+ CML and all mutations to coexist.

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Lung Ultrasound for Diagnosis of Primary Graft Dysfunction in Lung Transplantation Recipients (2024)

Type of publication:
Conference abstract

O'Brien E.; Curry S.; Rubino A.; Barker A.; *Miller A.; Parmar J.

Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. Conference: ISHLT 44th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions Prague Congress Centre. Prague Czechia. 43(4 Supplement) (pp S345), 2024. Date of Publication: April 2024.

Purpose: To determine if lung aeration scores calculated using LUS correlate with the identification and grading of PGD in lung transplantation recipients identified on bedside chest radiography (CXR) and PaO2/FiO2 as the reference standard. Method(s): This is a two-year, single-centre, prospective observational study investigating lung transplantation patients admitted post-operatively to Critical Care at Royal Papworth Hospital (RPH). LUS assessments to examine 12-lung regions were conducted at specified timepoints and scored retrospectively. Differences between LUS aeration scores for PGD and non-PGD were tested for and correlation of LUS score and PGD grading was assessed. Result(s): To date, data has been collected from 29 consecutive adult patients in 12 months. A total of 816 lung ultrasound clips have been collected for analysis. The mean aeration scores in PGD patients was higher than non-PGD (t(42) = 4.58, p < 0.001). PGD severity grading and LUS score shows a moderate positive linear association r(42) =.67, p < 0.01. Conclusion(s): This interim data analysis demonstrates exciting potential of LUS as an imaging modality in this cohort for PGD. This study is set to continue for a further 12 months, to allow for a larger sample size and further analysis of the utilisation of LUS in this cohort.

Social Isolation and Lung Cancer: Does This Impact the Length of Time on The Lung Cancer Pathway Or Uptake Of MDT Recommended Treatments (2024)

Type of publication:
Conference abstract

Anderson V.; Dalrymple P.; Crowley G.; Shephard P.; Holmes C.; *McAdams J.; Morley J.; Sarah E.; Ivey S.; Bentley K.; Bate G.B.; English P.; Russell G.; Bostock L.

Lung Cancer. Conference: 22nd Annual British Thoracic Oncology Group Conference 2024. Belfast United Kingdom. 190(Supplement 1) (no pagination), 2024. Article Number: 107683. Date of Publication: April 2024.

Aims "Bridging The Gap" report by UKLCC (2022) suggested addressing health inequalities in lung cancer has a significant impact on patient outcomes. LCNUK investigated a possible correlation between social isolation (lack of social contacts and having few people to interact with regularly) and time on pathway. Methods A Literature review conducted, highlighted a lack of UK research in this area. LCNUK members were surveyed for feedback and data was collected on 90 patients across 9 regions in the UK. Results 56 completed surveys were received from LCNUK members. 50% of responders felt that social isolation impacted patient progress on the pathway & 41% believed it influenced uptake of treatment. [Formula presented] Conclusion 50% of lung cancer nurses felt social isolation would negatively impact upon the length of the pathway, this project found that to be unproven. Data suggested a possible link between social isolation and uptake of MDT recommended treatment. This is a small sample size and may not be representative of the national picture and therefore more research is needed. Disclosure: No significant relationships.

Testing for t(3;8) in MYC/BCL6 re-arranged large B cell lymphoma identifies a high risk subgroup with inferior survival (2024)

Type of publication:
Journal article

Maybury, Bernard Douglas; James, Lisa Jane BSc (Hons); Phillips, Neil; Venkatadasari, Indrani; Qureshi, Iman; Riley, James William Elliot; Talbot, Georgina; Moosai, Shivir; Giles, Hannah Victoria Dr; Chadderton, Nicola Mrs; Dowds, James; Rakesh, Pallav; Crosland, Henry; Haslam, Aidan; *Lane, Sarah; Vega Gonzalez, Monica; Davies, David; *Cherian, George; Shenouda, Amir; Kaudlay Sathyanarayana, Praveen Kumar; Starczynski, Jane; Rudzki, Zbigniew; Chaganti, Sridhar

Blood. 2024 Apr 22.

A reciprocal t(3;8) BCL6::MYC fusion is common in large B cell lymphoma (LBCL) with MYC and BCL6 disruption. These pseudo-double hit cases are not adverse, whereas t(3;8) negative MYC/BCL6 lymphoma has an inferior prognosis relative to other MYC-rearranged LBCL.


Treatment of periorbital veins with vascular laser: A systematic review and retrospective case series. (2024)

Type of publication:
Systematic Review

Mandavia, Rishi; Ahmed, Muhammad; *Parmar, Dilen; Cariati, Massimiliano; Shahidi, Sepideh; Lapa, Tatiana.

Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology. 2024 Apr 24.

INTRODUCTION: Vascular lasers may represent a promising treatment option for periorbital veins. This article aims to: (1) systematically review the literature on the safety and effectiveness of vascular laser treatment for periorbital veins and (2) assess safety and effectiveness through a retrospective case series. METHODS: Systematic review: Articles that assessed the safety and effectiveness of vascular laser treatment for periorbital veins were included and quality assessed using the Downs and Black checklist. CASE SERIES: Patient records were retrospectively reviewed from January 2020 to November 2023 to identify all patients who underwent laser treatment for periorbital veins. Outcomes assessment included percentage improvement, patient overall satisfaction and adverse effects. RESULTS: Systematic review: Three articles were included, discussing treatment of blue, periorbital veins using a 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser. Patient Fitzpatrick skin Types I-IV were treated with high patient satisfaction rates and complete clearance of treated veins. Adverse effects included pain, erythema, mild oedema, urticaria and blister formation. Quality of included studies ranged from 7 to 14 out of 21 points. CASE SERIES: Thirty-four patients with skin Types I-V were included. Blue and red periorbital veins were treated using 1064 and 532 nm wavelengths respectively. Mean percentage improvement was 4.8 (complete resolution) and patients' overall satisfaction was ranked 3 (completely satisfied). Adverse effects included erythema, oedema, and bruising. CONCLUSION: Treatment of red and blue periorbital veins using 532 and 1064 nm vascular lasers appears a safe treatment option. The procedure has a short recovery time, with patients able to resume normal activities within 1 day of treatment.

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Epidemiology of metatarsal fractures in Shropshire 2021-2024 (2024)

Type of publication:
Conference abstract

*Mark Garton, *Jenni Rowlands, *Richard Roach

Abstract submitted to Bone Research Conference, 2024

Background: Metatarsal fractures are common and disabling fractures, frequently triggered by low-energy injuries, or less often by repetitive loading. ‘Atypical’ metatarsal fractures have also been reported during prolonged anti-resorptive therapy, but a causal relationship remains speculative. Despite their clinical and economic importance, the epidemiology of metatarsal fractures remains poorly understood. We present a detailed service evaluation of radiologically-confirmed metatarsal fractures identified within Shropshire, over a three-year period. Methods: Radiology reports for all adults (≥18 years) attending hospital or community radiology departments between May 2020 and April 2023, were searched electronically using the terms ‘metatarsal’ AND ‘fracture’. All distinct patient episodes with ≥1 confirmed metatarsal fracture were identified for further analysis, and all duplicates were excluded. Age at fracture, sex, fracture type/distribution and mechanism of injury (where known) was recorded. Age- and sex-specific fracture rates were estimated by decade of life, using contemporaneous demographic data. Results: 1121 (758 female) patient-episodes of metatarsal fracture were identified, comprising 312, 397 and 412 individuals in years 1-3 respectively. Mean (SD) age at fracture was 50.7 (18.9) years, with 961 (85.7%) metatarsal fractures occurring in isolation, most (n= 736) affecting the fifth metatarsal. Smaller numbers fractured two (n=72), three (n=63), or four (n=15) metatarsal bones. Most fractures (59%) affected the metatarsal base, and less often the shaft (26%), neck (12%) and head (3%). Fractures were most often oblique (n=410), transverse (n=359) or comminuted (n=120), and only 70 patients had stress fractures. Estimated trauma levels were low (n=632), moderate (n=109), high (n=43) and unknown (n=246), and inversion and falls-related injuries the most commonly reported mechanism. Estimated annual fracture rates per 100,000, increased from 105 among women aged 18-29 years to 153 aged 50-59 years, with a second peak of 142 aged 80-89 years. For men at the same time points, rates were 102, 40 and 31. Although numerically less frequent, metatarsal neck fractures showed the greatest sex difference, becoming exponentially more common in women with age, compared to a gradual age-related decline in men. Discussion: Metatarsal fractures are common, usually affecting the fifth metatarsal in isolation, and often caused by low energy injuries, as shown by previous authors. Lower incidence during Covid lockdown may be genuine or reflect reduced ascertainment. Our estimates of age- and sex-specific fracture rates suggest pronounced sex differences in metatarsal fracture rates with age, which requires further study and linkage to known risk factors and relevant medication exposure.