Improving Specialist Knowledge and Skills in Complex Airway Management In Critical Care (2023)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Ashley Timms, with support from *Elaine France, *Matt Quarmby, and the *Critical Care Practice Education Facilitators.

SaTH Improvement Hub, 2023

Following patient safety incidents it became clear that there was a need to focus on complex airway management and upskill the existing critical care teams across both sites.

Link to PDF poster [no password required]

Logging Complaints (Subject Codes) on Datix (2023)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Complaints Team (Head of PALS and Complaints, Case Managers and Administrative Team)

SaTH Improvement Hub, 2023

Over the course of the pandemic, the complaints team had become very much reduced and there was a lot of cross over of tasks in logging new complaints between the Complaints Case Managers and Admin. As the team has recruited (to almost quadruple in size) it has become clear that some of the tasks being were being completed by the admin team members. One example was the logging of Datix subject codes. These are quite complex in nature – there are currently 19 main Datix subject codes (nationally reportable) and 394 subject sub codes. It was also proving time consuming and inefficient in that the administrators who are less familiar with the coding were having to review each case in detail in order to apply the codes. This was effectively a doubling up of efforts given that the case managers themselves must familiarise themselves with the cases in detail when sending them out for investigation.

Link to PDF poster [no password required]

Pharmacy Storeroom, PRH (2022)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Kirsty Heathcock, *Imogen Brown

SaTH Improvement Hub, October 2022

The pharmacy team noted that a store room area was cluttered and contained unnecessary equipment. Additionally, it was noted that there was a requirement for pharmacy students to have a dedicated study space. A study space was created for use during the 5S intervention.

Link to PDF poster [no password required]

Radiology - Breast Screening (2022)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Cat Rowlands (Programme Manager), *Lynn Rogers (Office Manager), *Jayne Edwards (Office Supervisor), *Mr Usman (Director of Breast Screening)

SaTH Improvement Hub, December 2022

In order to reduce the backlog of breast screening appointments, the service was temporarily centralised at RSH and PRH. This reduced the backlog from 17,141 to zero.

Link to PDF poster [no password required]

Rationalise storage space within the Improvement Hub (2022)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Rachel Hanmer, *Carla Webster, *Rebekah Tudor, *Richard Stephens

SaTH Improvement Hub, August 2022

Following relocation to the Improvement Hub in the Mytton Oak restaurant and the loss of storage in the Copthorne building, there is a need for the team to reassess and rationalise the stock required within the Hub.

Link to PDF poster [no password required]

Urology Casenotes QIP (2022)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Dr E. Mahon (FY2), *Mr J. O’Dair (Urology Consultant)

SaTH Improvement Hub, 2022

Following an audit of medical documentation, it was found that the level of completion had declined from a previous audit. The aim of this QIP was to improve documentation standards within the Urology department in RSH, as measured by an improved audit score.

Link to PDF poster [no password required]

Ward 35 5S of Store Room, Treatment Room, Kitchen and Dirty Utility (2023)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Sharon Main (Ward Manager)

SaTH Improvement Hub, January 2023

The ward has moved in the last year and the EDC operator and Ward Manager would like to update the order book review the stock levels and use the Ward space in the most effective and safe way. It has a number of storage areas including the Main Storeroom, Treatment Room, Kitchen and Dirty Utility. A lot of the rooms are not
currently utilised to their full potential. Using the 5S method, the team have ensured that the various areas are safe and well organised.

Link to PDF poster [no password required]

Improvement to early morning flow to the Discharge Lounge (2023)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Shelbey Fenton-Cook

SaTH Improvement Hub, May 2023

To increase overall transfers of patients from the inpatient bed base to the discharge lounge by 10 am, focusing on a target of transferring 2 patients by 8am by 10th May 2023.

Link to PDF poster [no password required]

Improving the Induction Process for new staff joining the Inpatient Therapy team at RSH (2023)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Sarah Sandy, *Isaac Ogunsanya, *Hannah Lloyd, *Alix Astles, *Kate Robinson, *Leah Jackson, *Phil Evans and *Katie Craft

SaTH Improvement Hub, May 2023

The induction process within Therapies is not standardised and the quality is very variable. There has been a large turnover of staff with poor retention for various reasons. Within 12 months we had 13 new starters with 8 International recruits. Feedback from exit interviews within the Inpatient Team at RSH highlighted failings with the induction process.

Link to PDF poster [no password required]

Medicine Flow Coordinators Review (2022)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Sharon Huckerby, *Nathan Picken, *Nicola Roach, *Emily Weston, *Donna Moxan, *Liam Allman-Evitts, *Kevin Lloyd, *Cath Tranter, *Aaron Evans, *Becky Bromley

SaTH Improvement Hub, 2022

The Medicine Division need to understand if the introduction of the Medical Flow Coordinators has improved the volume of cancelled discharges impacting on flow out of the hospital.

Link to PDF poster [no password required]