A Systematic Review of Long-Distance Triathlon Musculoskeletal Injuries (2022)

Type of publication:Journal article

Author(s):Rhind JH; Dass D; Barnett A; *Carmont M

Citation:Journal of Human Kinetics 2022 Feb 10; Vol. 81, pp. 123-134.

Abstract:The distribution of injuries affecting long-distance triathletes is yet to be fully understood. A systematic review was performed of the clinical literature to determine the epidemiology of musculoskeletal injuries affecting long-distance triathletes. Searched databases in Feb 2020 were PubMed, Medline, EMBASE, EMCARE, and CINHAL databases. Published observational research articles related to the incidence or prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries in long-distance triathletes (competing at "Ironman" full distance or greater), written in the English language and not restricted by age or gender or date were eligible. Of the 975 studies identified on the initial search, six studies met the inclusion criteria for analysis. The mean age (SD) of the long-distance triathletes in these studies was 35.1 (2.7) and the range was 21-68 years. Overuse injuries were most frequent with the incidence range of 37-91%, and acute injury incidence range was 24-27%. The knee and spine were the most frequent location of injury. Running and cycling were the most frequently affected disciplines. Elite athletes had a lower incidence of overuse injury (37%). The highest acute injury incidence (27%) was recorded in non-elite athletes. The quality of the studies was relatively poor with only one study satisfying >50% of the quality assessment tool questions and only two studies were prospective, the rest were retrospective cross-sectional studies. Overall, there is a lack of literature reporting on musculoskeletal injuries in long-distance triathletes. Overuse injuries, particularly in the knee, are the most frequently reported, running and cycling are the most frequent disciplines associated. Long-distance triathletes may have a lower incidence of both overuse and acute injuries.

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Observation versus screening spinal MRI and pre-emptive treatment for spinal cord compression in patients with castration resistant prostate cancer and spinal metastases in the UK (PROMPTS): an open-label, randomised, controlled, phase 3 trial (2022)

Type of publication:Randomised controlled trial

Author(s):Dearnaley, David; Hinder, Victoria; Hijab, Adham; Horan, Gail; *Srihari, Narayanan; Rich, Philip; Houston, J Graeme; Henry, Ann M; Gibbs, Stephanie; Venkitaraman, Ram; Cruickshank, Clare; Hassan, Shama; Miners, Alec; Mason, Malcolm; Pedley, Ian; Payne, Heather; Brock, Susannah; Wade, Robert; Robinson, Angus; Din, Omar; Lees, Kathryn; Graham, John; Worlding, Jane; Murray, Julia; Parker, Chris; Griffin, Clare; Sohaib, Aslam; Hall, Emma; PROMPTS investigators

The Lancet Oncology. 23(4) (pp 501-513), 2022. Date of Publication: April 2022.

Abstract:BACKGROUND Early diagnosis of malignant spinal cord compression (SCC) is crucial because pretreatment neurological status is the major determinant of outcome. In metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer, SCC is a clinically significant cause of disease-related morbidity and mortality. We investigated whether screening for SCC with spinal MRI, and pre-emptive treatment if radiological SCC (rSCC) was detected, reduced the incidence of clinical SCC (cSCC) in asymptomatic patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer and spinal metastasis. METHODS We did a parallel-group, open-label, randomised, controlled, phase 3, superiority trial. Patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer were recruited from 45 National Health Service hospitals in the UK. Eligible patients were aged at least 18 years, with an Eastern Co-operative Oncology Group performance status of 0-2, asymptomatic spinal metastasis, no previous SCC, and no spinal MRI in the past 12 months. Participants were randomly assigned (1:1), using a minimisation algorithm with a random element (balancing factors were treatment centre, alkaline phosphatase [normal vs raised, with the upper limit of normal being defined at each participating laboratory], number of previous systemic treatments [first-line vs second-line or later], previous spinal treatment, and imaging of thorax and abdomen), to no MRI (control group) or screening spinal MRI (intervention group). Serious adverse events were monitored in the 24 h after screening MRI in the intervention group. Participants with screen-detected rSCC were offered pre-emptive treatment (radiotherapy or surgical decompression was recommended per treating physician's recommendation) and 6-monthly spinal MRI. All patients were followed up every 3 months, and then at month 30 and 36. The primary endpoint was time to and incidence of confirmed cSCC in the intention-to-treat population (defined as all patients randomly assigned), with the primary timepoint of interest being 1 year after randomisation. The study is registered with ISRCTN, ISRCTN74112318, and is now complete. FINDINGS Between Feb 26, 2013, and April 25, 2017, 420 patients were randomly assigned to the control (n=210) or screening MRI (n=210) groups. Median age was 74 years (IQR 68 to 79), 222 (53%) of 420 patients had normal alkaline phosphatase, and median prostate-specific antigen concentration was 48 ng/mL (IQR 17 to 162). Screening MRI detected rSCC in 61 (31%) of 200 patients with assessable scans in the intervention group. As of data cutoff (April 23, 2020), at a median follow-up of 22 months (IQR 13 to 31), time to cSCC was not significantly improved with screening (hazard ratio 0·64 [95% CI 0·37 to 1·11]; Gray's test p=0·12). 1-year cSCC rates were 6·7% (95% CI 3·8-10·6; 14 of 210 patients) for the control group and 4·3% (2·1-7·7; nine of 210 patients) for the intervention group (difference -2·4% [95% CI -4·2 to 0·1]). Median time to cSCC was not reached in either group. No serious adverse events were reported within 24 h of screening. INTERPRETATION Despite the substantial incidence of rSCC detected in the intervention group, the rate of cSCC in both groups was low at a median of 22 months of follow-up. Routine use of screening MRI and pre-emptive treatment to prevent cSCC is not warranted in patients with asymptomatic castration-resistant prostate cancer with spinal metastasis. FUNDING Cancer Research UK.


The global level of harm among surgical professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic: A multinational cross-sectional cohort study (2022)

Type of publication:Journal article

Author(s):Abouelazayem, Mohamed; Viswanath, Yirupaiahgari K S; Bangash, Ali Haider; Herrera Kok, Johnn Henry; Cheruvu, Chandra; Parmar, Chetan; Atici, Semra Demirli; Yang, Wah; Galanis, Michail; Di Maggio, Francesco; Isik, Arda; *Bandyopadhyay, Samik Kumar

Citation:Surgery; Mar 2022 [epub ahead of print]

Abstract:BACKGROUND Health care workers, including surgical professionals, experienced psychological burnout and physical harm during the coronavirus 2019 pandemic. This global survey investigated the coronavirus 2019 pandemic impact on psychological and physical health.
METHODS We conducted a global cross-sectional survey between February 18, 2021 and March 13, 2021. The primary outcome was to assess the psychological burnout, fulfillment, and self-reported physical level of harm. A validated Stanford Professional Fulfilment Index score with a self-reported physical level of harm was employed. We used a practical overall composite level ofharm score to calculate the level of harm gradient 1-4, combining psychological burnout with self-reported physical level of harm score.
RESULTS A total of 545 participants from 66 countries participated. The final analysis included 520 (95.4%) surgical professionals barring medical students. Most of the participants (81.3%)were professionally unfulfilled. The psychological burnout was evident in 57.7% and was significantly common in those <50 years (P = .002) and those working in the public sector (P = .005). Approximately 41.7% of respondents showed changes in the physical health with self-remedy and no impact on work, whereas 14.9% reported changes to their physical health with <2 weeks off work, and 10.1% reported changes in physical health requiring >2 weeks off work. Severe harm (level of harm 4) was detected in 10.6%, whereas moderate harm (level of harm 3) affected 40.2% of the participants. Low and no harm (level of harm 2 and level of harm 1) represented 27.5% and 21.7%, respectively. CONCLUSION Our study showed that high levels of psychological burnout, professional unfulfillment, work exhaustion, and severe level of harm was more frequent in younger professionals working in the public sector. The findings correlated with a high level of harm in surgical professionals impacting surgical services.

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Learning curves in minimally invasive pancreatic surgery: a systematic review (2022)

Type of publication:Systematic Review

Author(s):Fung, Gayle; Sha, Menazir; Kunduzi, Basir; Froghi, Farid; *Rehman, Saad; Froghi, Saied

Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery. 407(6) (pp 2217-2232), 2022. Date of Publication: September 2022.

Abstract:BACKGROUND The learning curve of new surgical procedures has implications for the education, evaluation and subsequent adoption. There is currently no standardised surgical training for those willing to make their first attempts at minimally invasive pancreatic surgery. This study aims to ascertain the learning curve in minimally invasive pancreatic surgery.
METHODS A systematic search of PubMed, Embase and Web of Science was performed up to March 2021. Studies investigating the number of cases needed to achieve author-declared competency in minimally invasive pancreatic surgery were included.
RESULTS In total, 31 original studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria with 2682 patient outcomes being analysed. From these studies, the median learning curve for distal pancreatectomy was reported to have been achieved in 17 cases (10-30) and 23.5 cases (7-40) for laparoscopic and robotic approach respectively. The median learning curve for pancreaticoduodenectomy was reported to have been achieved at 30 cases (4-60) and 36.5 cases (20-80) for a laparoscopic and robotic approach respectively. Mean operative times and estimated blood loss improved in all four surgical procedural groups. Heterogeneity was demonstrated when factoring in the level of surgeon's experience and patient's demographic.
CONCLUSIONS There is currently no gold standard in the evaluation of a learning curve. As a result, derivations are difficult to utilise clinically. Existing literature can serve as a guide for current trainees. More work needs to be done to standardise learning curve assessment in a patient-centred manner.

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COACH: Challenging osteoarthritis and changing health (2021)

Type of publication:Conference abstract

Author(s):*Haines-Eynon A.

Citation:Physiotherapy, 2021. Conference: Virtual Physiotherapy UK 2020 Conference. Virtual, Online. 113(Supplement 1) (pp e52-e53)

Abstract:Purpose: To develop, implement and evaluate an integrated rehabilitation programme for patients with hip and knee osteoarthritis (OA). To encourage behavioural changes by using social prescribing to facilitate longer-term management. Method(s): Patients with OA of the hip and/or knee were eligible for the class. An attempt was made to include as many patients as possible even with comorbidities. Any patients with any cardiac or respiratory conditions were still eligible provided they were able to manage any acute changes to their condition. Patients were assessed by a physiotherapist following a referral from a GP, ESP or consultant who completed an induction including 4 outcome measures; MSK-HQ, numeric rating scale (NRS), 30-s sit to stand and 4 x 10 m walk test. Patients took part in a 6-week programme consisting of 6 weekly 1 h sessions. Each session included a targeted strengthening circuit and a changing education presentation designed to help people improve their understanding of the condition. The final session which focused around longer term self management was attended by the Healthy Lifestyles Team to educate patients on available services within the local community. At the end of the final session all outcome measures were repeated and patients were given a patient satisfaction questionnaire. On completion of the class patients were given the opportunity to continue with their exercise programme in the hospital gym for a further period of time or encouraged to continue with their exercises in their local gym. They were referred back to their physiotherapist if they were still not able to manage their symptoms. Result(s): One hundred and twenty-three patients started the class, three of these were referred back to their physiotherapist as they were unable to engage in the class environment and a further 17 did not complete the course after the initial session. At least 75% of patients had repeat scores greater than or equal to their initial results on all outcome measures. The minimal clinically important improvement (MCII) value was achieved in 50.6% of patients in the MSK-HQ, 31.6% in the 4 x 10 m walk test, 36.7% in the NRS and 46.5% in the 30 s sit to stand test. Conclusion(s): The results demonstrate an important improvement to patient's pain and function following six exercise class and educational sessions. A wide inclusion criterion with patients who had multiple comorbidities meant these outcomes are more representative of the population and are more generalizable. Giving patients a starting point and a seamless approach from a hospital environment to self-management makes it more likely that patients will continue with a healthy lifestyle reducing the need for recurring visits to healthcare providers. Impact: The class had capacity for up to 12 patients allowing patients more treatment time compared to a routine 20 min follow up appointment. Also by avoiding 1:1 physiotherapy appointments the strain on acute services and its associated costs were reduced. This programme Identifies a further effective treatment option for patients with hip and knee OA. Funding acknowledgements: No funding was required for this study.

Rare histological subtypes of breast cancer: A study of 10 years' experience at (SATH) UK District General Hospital (2022)

Type of publication:Conference abstract

Author(s):*Mansour A.; *Pettit L.

Citation:European Journal of Surgical Oncology; Feb 2022; vol. 48 (no. 2)

Abstract:Background: Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease with different histologic subtypes, molecular characteristics, oestrogen receptors (ER) and HER2 status. Common subtype include lobular and ductal cancers. The rare subtypes are a heterogeneous group with differing behaviour specific for each subtype. This study aims to determine the clinicopathological features, management pathway and survival outcome of rare subtypes of invasive breast cancer (IBC) at a single U.K. hospital.Material(s) and Method(s): Data was obtained from the department of Cellular Pathology at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital (SATH) NHS Trust. All patients diagnosed with a rare subtype of breast cancer from January 2005 to December 2014 were identified. The histology diagnosis of a rare subtype of breast cancer was reviewed. Biological behaviour, management, follow up and prognosis were obtained from surgical and oncology clinic letters. Also, survival data and cause of death when applicable is reviewed from Clinical Portal (our hospital digital documentation system). Patients with imaging, after the introduction of the digital format to the system in 2012, were also reviewed.
Result(s): Total number of patients diagnosed with IBC was 3049. 201 patients (6.59%) were identified to have a rare subtype of IBC. Patients were divided into subgroups according to their specific rare subtype and included mucinous, tubular, medullary, metaplastic, papillary, neuroendocrine, cribriform, apocrine, malignant phyllodes, angiosarcoma, lymphoma and metastatic from non-breast primary. Some cancers had good prognosis with 100% 5 years overall survival like tubular carcinoma and some have poor prognosis like metaplastic and angiosarcoma.Conclusion(s): Our experience with these heterogeneous groups of rare subtypes of breast cancer identified the clinical behaviour and prognosis of each type. This could be the basis to improve the management of these subtypes and for further studies to improve the outcome for patients with identified breast cancer known to have poorer prognosis.

Are we doing enough to prevent colectomy in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients? A 5-year review of colectomy rates in Shropshire and Mid-Wales UK (2015-2019) (2022)

Type of publication:Conference abstract

Author(s):*Javed A.; *Butterworth J.; *Townson G.

Citation:Journal of Crohn's and Colitis; Jan 2022; vol. 16

Abstract:Background: Colectomy for IBD significantly impacts the psycho-social aspects & quality of life.Method(s): Electronic records were retrospectively analysed for colectomy rates & parameters of interest.Result(s): 68 patients (Men 37:Women31), median age 30 years had colectomies. Annual colectomy rates remained constant;7 (2015), 20 (2016), 11 (2017) & (2018) each and 19 (2019). 28% had colectomy within 1 year of diagnosis and only 63% received a biologic agent. Over half, (54%)had emergency surgeries & 37% experienced infections, re-laparotomy and ileus (20% each).Conclusion(s): There is an opportunity to risk-stratify patients at diagnosis based on the risk factors (men, younger age, severe/extensive disease) to a top-down therapy & treat to target strategy to reduce colectomy rates. (Table Presented).

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Her-2 expression pattern evaluation in breast invasive lobular carcinoma and its association to the clinicopathomorphological characteristics and female sex hormones expression in 71 cases (2022)

Type of publication:Conference abstract

Author(s):Barron M.; Asaad A.; Ali S.; Chicken W.; Elamass M.; Alkistawi F.; Abdalla Al-Zawi A.S.; *Khan K.A.; Idaewor P.; Osayi K.

Citation:European Journal of Surgical Oncology; Feb 2022; vol. 48 (no. 2)

Abstract:Background: HER2 status is considered as an important prognostic and predictive factor in breast cancer treatment The cellular E-cadherin protein (encoded by the CDH1 gene) is expressed in the breast epithelial cells. Its function is functions is epithelial-to epithelial cell adhesion and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. Invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC) is characterised by the absence of E-cadherin expression, usually its oestrogen /progesterone positive however lack Her-2 amplification. Approximately, about 20% of breast cancers are Her2 +ve. The evidence revealed that, HER2 amplification or overexpression is encountered predominantly in invasive ductal carcinomas (NST) of high nuclear grade and infrequently in pleomorphic lobular carcinomas. The aim is to analyse the Her-2 expression pattern in breast invasive lobular carcinoma.Material(s) and Method(s): The clinical records of 71 patients diagnosed in the period between 2014 -2019,with ILC has been analysed. The lobular phenotype was confirmed by the absence of E-cadherin expression. We have evaluated the following criteria: clinico-pathologic variables, female sex hormone receptor status as well as Her-2 expression status.Result(s): ILC cases has been identified in 71 cases, the age ranges between 39-85 yrs, with mean of 68.In 22.% of cases, the phenotype was mixed ILC& invasive ductal carcinoma. Her-2 overexpression detected in 13% cases, 89% of Her2+ve group are above 65 years of age. Her2 overexpression was more associated with ER+ve group (13%), where 60% were ER+ve,PR+ve and Her2-ve, also 23% noticed to have PR-ve status. Triple negative status was seen only in two cases(2.8%), one of them was pleomorphic lobular carcinoma, both cases age was > 80 yrs.Ki-67 was tested in 58 patients, it was low or moderate in 66%, 7% was Her2 +ve with high Ki-67.Her2+ve status was associated with tumour grade 2 in 7% of cases, grade 3(1.4%) and grade 1 (4%).Conclusion(s): ER expression is noticed to in HER2+ classical ILCs, in spite of the fact that the level of expression is significantly low, compared with the Her2ve- disease.

Global Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on Gastric Cancer Treatment: findings from a global cross-sectional multicentre study (GLEOHUG-GC) (2022)

Type of publication:Conference abstract

Author(s):Herrera Kok J.H.; Viswanath Y.K.; Parmar C.; Bangash A.H.; Samaduv E.; Atici S.D.; Cheruvu C.V.; Abouelazayem M.; Yang W.; Galanis M.; Di Maggio F.; Isik A.; *Bandopyadaya S.; Mahawar K.

Citation:European Journal of Surgical Oncology; Feb 2022; vol. 48 (no. 2)

Abstract:Background: Gastric cancer (GC) is the 5th most common malignancy and remains one of the major causes of worldwide cancer-related deaths. COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the provision of cancer care. This study aims to overview the global standpoint of gastric cancer patients (GCP) during the first year of pandemic (PY1).
Material(s) and Method(s): The Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeons (TUGS), within its Global Level of Harm Project, designed an online cross-sectional survey to assess how GCP's management changed during PY1. The questionnaire included 33 questions about expertise, kind of health system, hospital organization and screening policies, personal protective equipment (PPE), change in patient's characteristics, preoperative, operative and postoperative management of GCP.Result(s): There were 209 answers from 178 centres (50 countries) around the world. Results of the survey showed: most hospitals (88,2%) had restricted areas for the management of COVID-19 patients; 53,6% of participants were redeployed; most frequent COVID-19 screening methods were PCR (78,8%) and chest CTscan (25,6%), and 55,9% thought there was a lack of PPE. Preoperative management: 43,2% decrease in the number of multidisciplinary teams (MDT) meetings; 28,4% increase in the number of cT2 or higher GCP; 34,7% increase in metastatic (M1) GCP; 26,8% increase in GCP receiving definitive palliative treatment; 23,7% increase in the number of frail patients; 50% increase in waiting list time (WLT); and 41,6% faced problems in the provision of oncological treatment. Operative management: 54,5% decrease in elective gastrectomies; 29,1% increase in the number of urgent/semi-urgent gastrectomies; 37% decrease in the number of minimally invasive gastrectomies (MIG); and 18,5% increase in the number of surgeries with palliative intent. Postoperative management: 16,5% increase in the overall complication rate (OCR); 12,6% increase in the number of Clavien-Dindo 3 or higher complications; 8% increase in the leak rate; increase in pulmonary infections (26,8%) and bowel obstruction (2,4%); 44,5% development of postoperative COVID-19 infection; 15,4% increase in 30-days mortality rate; 23,1% mortality due to COVID-19 infection; 17,6% increase in the need for adjuvant treatment. Most patients were postoperatively assessed either through a face to face consultation or a combination of face to face and remote consultation.
Conclusion(s): COVID-19 pandemic has affected GC management by decreased frequency of MDT's, higher clinical-stage migration and fuelled frailty. The pandemic increased WLT, the number of urgent and palliative surgeries, OCR, Clavien-Dindo 3 or higher complications, leak rate, and pulmonary infections. There was a noticeable high rate of postoperative COVID-19 infection and associated mortality. Further multicentric studies are warranted to affirm these findings.

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A study analysing the effect of wet wraps in patients of atopic dermatitis (2021)

Type of publication:Journal article

Author(s):Kakroo S.N.; Beg M.A.; *Kakroo B.

Citation:Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists. 31(4) (pp 588-594), 2021

Abstract:Objective We sought to evaluate the efficacy of wet wrap therapy treatment in patients with Atopic dermatitis. Methods Total 30 patients, (25 males and 5 females) were enrolled in this study with severe dermatitis [SCORAD] score >=50) were enrolled in this study. For disease severity SCORAD was used, for quality of life dermatology life quality index (DLQI) scores, visual analog scale (VAS) for pruritus and investigator's global assessment (IGA) was used. For evaluation of water content in the corneum, the capacitance was measured by Corneometer (Courage and Khazaka, Cologne, Germany), and TEWL was measured by Tewameter TM210 (Courage and Khazaka). The lipid amount of skin surface was assessed by Sebumeter (Courage and Khazaka). The patients underwent WWT (daily dose: 15 g Mometasone furoate cream+100g Vaseline ointment) twice daily for 2 h/session for 7 days. Results There was significant improvement in lesions, quality of life and itching. SCORAD was clearly decreased, epidermal water content was increased, and transepidermal water loss was decreased after wet-wrap dressing. Conclusion Wet wrap therapy (WWT) can relieve pruritus, reduce skin lesions, and improve quality of life.

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