The FAST-M complex intervention for the detection and management of maternal sepsis in low-resource settings: a multi-site evaluation (2021)

Type of publication:
Journal article

Cheshire, James; Jones, Laura; Munthali, Laura; Kamphinga, Christopher; Liyaya, Harry; Phiri, Tarcizius; *Parry-Smith, William; Dunlop, Catherine; Makwenda, Charles; Devall, Adam James; Tobias, Aurelio; Nambiar, Bejoy; Merriel, Abi; Williams, Helen Marie; Gallos, Ioannis; Wilson, Amie; Coomarasamy, Arri; Lissauer, David

BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology; Jul;128(8):1324-1333

OBJECTIVE To evaluate whether the implementation of the FAST-M complex intervention was feasible and improved the recognition and management of maternal sepsis in a low-resource setting.DESIGNA before and after design.SETTINGFifteen government healthcare facilities in Malawi.POPULATION Women suspected of having maternal sepsis.METHODS The FAST-M complex intervention consisted of the following components: i) the FAST-M maternal sepsis treatment bundle and ii) the FAST-M implementation programme. Performance of selected process outcomes were compared between a two month baseline phase and six month intervention phase with compliance used as a proxy measure of feasibility.MAIN OUTCOME RESULT Compliance with vital sign recording and use of the FAST-M maternal sepsis bundle.RESULTS Following implementation of the FAST-M intervention, women were more likely to have a complete set of vital signs taken on admission to the wards (0/163 (0%) vs. 169/252 (67.1%), p<0.001). Recognition of suspected maternal sepsis improved with more cases identified following the intervention (12/106 (11.3%) vs. 107/166 (64.5%), p<0.001). Sepsis management improved, with women more likely to receive all components of the FAST-M treatment bundle within one hour of recognition (0/12 (0%) vs. 21/107 (19.6%), p=0.091). In particular women were more likely to receive antibiotics (3/12 (25.0%) vs. 72/107 (67.3%), p=0.004) within one hour of recognition of suspected sepsis.CONCLUSION Implementation of the FAST-M complex intervention was feasible and led to the improved recognition and management of suspected maternal sepsis in a low-resource setting such as Malawi.

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Obstetric and gynaecology trainees’ knowledge of paediatric and adolescent gynaecology services in the UK: A national qualitative thematic analysis (2019)

Type of publication:
Journal article

*Ritchie, J K; *Sahu, B; Wood, P L

European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology; Apr 2019; vol. 235 ; p. 30-35

BACKGROUND: The British Society of Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology (BritSPAG) was created in 2000 with specific aims to include raising the profile of paediatric and adolescent gynaecology (PAG) within the United Kingdom (UK). The Society has since developed a set of clinical standards for all acute hospitals providing gynaecological services to enable successful provision of paediatric and adolescent gynaecology care.AIMSTo determine the depth of knowledge that obstetric and gynaecology trainees have with regards to the PAG services provided at their Hospital, reflecting how widely PAG services have had an impact on trainees.METHOD: The national survey was distributed to all deaneries in the UK for circulation to all their trainees via e mail during Nov 2017-March 2018.RESULTS: 28% of the trainees said there was a PAG clinic at their hospital, 46.9% did not have a clinic and 24.7% were unsure. 41.6% of the respondents were aware of BritSPAG, however only 10.4% were aware of the BritSPAG clinical standards for service planning with regards to PAG clinics. Nearly half were aware of the PAG specialist centre for their region but only 6.5% were aware of the BritSPAG UK map of services. A large majority (93.24%) didn't believe that trainees in O&G received adequate exposure to PAG in their training.CONCLUSION: This study represents the largest and first national survey to seek obstetric and gynaecology trainees' thoughts on the provision of PAG training in the UK today. Given that only 28% of trainees answering said that they were aware of a PAG clinic at their hospital, this indicates not only that many hospitals did not have a dedicated PAG clinic but more worryingly five of the trainees were not aware of the existence of a confirmed PAG clinic at their hospital, and therefore are potentially losing out on training opportunities. Disappointingly the results of our survey reveal that trainees in Obstetrics and Gynaecology still have very little experience or exposure to PAG during their training despite there being opportunities to do so.

Sinecatechins ointment as a potential novel treatment for usual type vulval intraepithelial neoplasia: a single-centre double-blind randomised control study (2021)

Type of publication:
Randomised controlled trial

Jason Yap, Daniel Slade, Harriet Goddard, Christopher Dawson, Raji Ganesan, Shireen Velangi, *Banchhita Sahu, Baljit Kaur, Ana Hughes, David Luesley

BJOG 2021 May;128(6):1047-1055

Objective To compare the safety and efficacy of Veregen® ointment against placebo in the treatment of usual type vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (uVIN). Design A Phase II randomised control trial. Setting A tertiary gynaecological oncology referral center. Population All women diagnosed with primary and recurrence uVIN. Methods Eligible patients were randomised to receive either Veregen® or placebo ointment (applied 3 times daily for 16 weeks), and were followed up at 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 52 weeks. Main outcome measures Outcome measures, recorded at 16 and 32 weeks, were histological (HR) and clinical (CR) response (as measured by ≥30% reduction in the sum of the longest diameter of all lesions when compared to baseline), toxicity and changes in quality of life and pain scores. Results 26 patients were randomised and all 13 patients who received Veregen® showed either complete (n=5) or partial (n=8) CR with a trend towards an improvement in baseline symptoms. In placebo group, 3 patients had complete CR, 2 had partial CR and 6 had stable disease. Patients in the Veregen® group showed a significant improvement in CR as compared to the placebo group (P=0.0026). There was no evidence of difference in HR and toxicity reported in both groups. Conclusion Our study indicates that Veregen application is safe and leads to at least a partial clinical resolution of uVIN lesions and symptoms improvement, thus warranting a phase III multi-centre RCT.

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Folic Acid Supplementation in Postmenopausal Women with Hot Flushes: Phase III Randomised Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial (2021)

Type of publication:
Randomised controlled trial

Ayman Ewies, Ikhlaq Ahmed, Farook Alazzawi, Joan Pitkin, Pratima Gupta, Mojca Persic, *Banchhita Sahu, Alaa El-Ghobashy, Lisa Barraclough, Jacqueline Woodman, Jaspreet Babrah, Sarah Bowdem, Deborah Stocken, Lucinda Billingham, Sudha Sundar, Daniel Rea

BJOG; November 2021; Volume128, Issue12, Pages 2024-2033

Objective: To assess whether folic acid supplementation ameliorates hot flushes. Design: Double-blind, placebo-controlled randomised trial. Setting: Nine hospitals in England. Population: Postmenopausal women experiencing ≥50 hot flushes weekly. Methods: Women (n=164) were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive folic acid 5mg tablet or placebo daily for 12 weeks. Participants recorded frequency and severity of hot flushes in Sloan Diary daily and completed Greene Climacteric and Utian Quality of Life (UQoL) Scales at 4-weekly intervals. Main Outcome Measures: The change in daily Hot Flush Score at week-12 from randomisation based on Sloan Diary Composite Score B calculation. Results: Data of 143 (87%) women was available for the primary outcome. The mean change (SD) in Hot Flush Score at week-12 was -6.98 (10.30) and -4.57 (9.46) for folic acid and placebo group, respectively. The difference between groups in the mean change was -2.41 (95% CI: -5.68, 0.87), p=0.149 and in the adjusted mean change was -2.61 (95% CI: -5.72, 0.49) with p=0.098. There was an increased benefit in the folic acid group regarding changes in total and emotional UQoL scores at week-8 when compared with placebo. The difference in the mean change from baseline was 5.22 (95% CI: 1.16, 9.28) and 1.88 (95% CI: 0.23, 3.52) for total and emotional score, respectively. Conclusions: Folic acid had a greater benefit in reducing Hot Flush Score over 12 weeks in postmenopausal women when compared with placebo; however, the difference did not reach statistical significance. Definitive evidence of benefit requires a larger study.

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Statins as Potential Chemoprevention or Therapeutic Agents in Cancer: a Model for Evaluating Repurposed Drugs (2021)

Type of publication:
Journal article

Joharatnam-Hogan N, Alexandre L, Yarmolinsky J, *Lake B, *Capps N, Martin RM, Ring A, Cafferty F, Langley RE

Current Oncology Reports, 13 Feb 2021, 23(3):29

Purpose of review: Repurposing established medicines for a new therapeutic indication potentially has important global and societal impact. The high costs and slow pace of new drug development have increased interest in more cost-effective repurposed drugs, particularly in the cancer arena. The conventional drug development pathway and evidence framework are not designed for drug repurposing and there is currently no consensus on establishing the evidence base before embarking on a large, resource intensive, potential practice changing phase III randomised controlled trial (RCT). Numerous observational studies have suggested a potential role for statins as a repurposed drug for cancer chemoprevention and therapy, and we review the strength of the cumulative evidence here.
Recent findings: In the setting of cancer, a potential repurposed drug, like statins, typically goes through a cyclical history, with initial use for several years in another disease setting, prior to epidemiological research identifying a possible chemo-protective effect. However, further information is required, including review of RCT data in the initial disease setting with exploration of cancer outcomes. Additionally, more contemporary methods should be considered, such as Mendelian randomization and pharmaco-epidemiological research with "target" trial design emulation using electronic health records. Pre-clinical and traditional observational data potentially support the role of statins in the treatment of cancer; however, randomised trial evidence is not supportive. Evaluation of contemporary methods provides little added support for the use of statin therapy in cancer. We provide complementary evidence of alternative study designs to enable a robust critical appraisal from a number of sources of the go/no-go decision for a prospective phase III RCT of statins in the treatment of cancer.

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Rothia mucilaginosa: a case of septic arthritis in a native knee and review of the literature (2021)

Type of publication:
Journal article

*Daoub, Ahmed; *Ansari, Hamza; *Orfanos, George; *Barnett, Andrew

BMJ case reports; Jan 2021; vol. 14 (no. 1)

Rothia mucilaginosa is a Gram-positive aerobic coccus usually found in the oral and respiratory tract. Septic arthritis is an uncommon condition, but is an orthopaedic emergency. A rare case of knee septic arthritis due to R. mucilaginosa is presented. Patient management and outcomes are discussed, and learning points from this case are outlined to help manage any further cases that may arise.

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Do the heel-rise test and isometric strength improve after Achilles tendon repair using Dresden technique? (2022)

Type of publication:
Journal article

De la Fuente, Carlos; Henriquez, Hugo; *Carmont, Michael R; Huincahue, Javiera; Paredes, Tamara; Tapia, María; Araya, Juan Pablo; Díaz, Nicolás; Carpes, Felipe P

Foot and ankle surgery : official journal of the European Society of Foot and Ankle Surgeons; Jan 2022, 28(1) pages 37-43

BACKGROUND Achilles' tendon ruptures result in impaired plantar flexion strength and endurance. It is interesting to know the plantar flexion strength, the number of heel-rise repetitions, and the maximal calf circumference following Achilles' tendon ruptures repair. METHODS Both the injured and non-injured legs of thirty male patients with Achilles' tendon ruptures treated with the percutaneous Dresden technique were compared with the ankle function of 30 healthy participants. Rehabilitation involved partial weight-bearing for three weeks and then increased to full weight-bearing and ankle exercises. RESULTS The injured legs had weaker plantar flexion strength (1.64 ± 0.17 Nm/kg) compared with the non-injured legs (1.91 ± 0.24 Nm/kg; p = 0.002) and the healthy participants' legs (1.93 ± 0.32 Nm/kg; p < 0.001). The non-injured leg had greater ability in doing heel-rise repetitions (39.4 ± 6.1 rep.) compared with the injured legs (37.2 ± 5.7 rep.; p < 0.023) and the healthy participants' legs (31.0 ± 13.0 rep.; p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS The injured leg had not recovered full isometric strength but had improved heel-rise repetition.

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No difference in Achilles Tendon Resting Angle, Patient-reported outcome or Heel-rise height Index between Non- and Early-weightbearing the First Year after an Achilles Tendon Rupture (2020)

Type of publication:
Journal article

*Carmont M; Brorsson, A.; Karlsson, J.; Nilsson-Helander, K.

Muscles, Ligaments & Tendons Journal (MLTJ); Oct 2020; vol. 10 (no. 4); p. 651-658

Background. Patient-reported outcome scores and comparable re-rupture rates in randomized controlled trials have not shown a definitive benefit for operative treatment after acute Achilles tendon rupture. This, together with the increasing rupture rates in the older age group has led to non-operative treatment being increasingly used. Objective. This study aimed to determine the variation in Achilles Tendon Resting Angle (ATRA) together with patient reported and functional outcome, with non-operative management of the ruptured Achilles tendon using two different regimes, which have been shown to offer low re-rupture rates. Methods. This is a non-randomised cohort comparison of Achilles tendon rupture patients managed with Non-Weight-Bearing (NWB) for 6 weeks vs. Early Weight-Bearing (EWB). The NWB-group received a cast in plantar flexion for 2 weeks followed by 6 weeks in a controlled ankle motion boot with incremental diminishing plantar flexion. The EWB-group received an initial anterior protective plaster slab in plantar flexion followed by 6 weeks of weight-bearing on the meta-tarsal heads, with an anterior shell restricting dorsiflexion. Results. At 12 months after the injury there were no differences in any of the variables between the two treatment groups. The NWB-group compared to the EWB-group reported at mean (SD) for ATRA -9.8° (4.6°) versus -11.4° (5°), p=0.32, for Achilles tendon Total Rupture Score (ATRS) 87 (10) versus 79 (19), p=0.43 and for Heel-Rise Height Index (HRHI) 71% (19%) versus 59% (13%), p=0.13. Conclusions. The two methods of non-operative treatment studied lead to increased relative ATRA following injury, however, patients report only minor limitation in terms of outcome. Patients had almost a third less heel-rise height compared with the non-injured ankle.

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Improving survivorship: A novel partnership between a large colorectal unit and the charity Bowel Cancer UK (2020)

Type of publication:
Conference abstract

*Hamilton E.; *Lloyd A.; *Cheetham M.; Wix S.; Stone R.

Colorectal Disease; Jul 2020; vol. 22 ; p. 54

Background: Bowel Cancer UK and the NHS both have a focus on developing personalised care packages for patients with bowel cancer. Optimising digital information available and signposting patients to resources or events, both locally and nationally can help living well, with and beyond cancer . Method(s): A partnership was initiated between a large district general hospital and Bowel Cancer UK, to refer patients to the charity during clinical appointments, aided by leaflets and information provided on clinical letters. 'Active signposting' commenced September 2019 and will run until April 2020. A cohort of patients has completed a survey to identify uptake, aiding planning of future services. Result(s): 136 new patients were signposted to the charity to date. 70% of patients identified that they had been given information about the website from the hospital, but only 29% subsequently visited the website. 40% of patients stated that a referral letter from the hospital would make them more likely to use the website; patients did not request or identify any other new services that they would find useful. The next phase will involve signposting patients three months after diagnosis. Conclusion(s): This partnership will form part of the personalised care package for patients and is a model that other trusts could consider. Feedback received will help shape future resources and events made available to patients, and help develop a template for NHS Trusts working in partnership with Bowel Cancer UK.

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The correlation between bowel complications and cardiac surgery (2021)

Type of publication:
Journal article

Mishra V.; Hewage S.; *Islam S.; Harky A.

Scandinavian Journal of Surgery; Jun 2021; vol. 110 (no. 2); p. 187-192

Although advances in knowledge and technology have improved outcomes in surgical cardiac patients over the last decade, complications following cardiac operations still remain to be potentially fatal. Gastrointestinal complications, in particular, tend to have high rates of reintervention and mortality following cardiac surgery, with ischemia and hemorrhage being two of the commonest underlying causes. The intention of this review is to identify which risk factors play important roles in predisposing patients to such complications and to gain better insight into the pathogenesis of the sequelae. Furthermore, strategies for prevention have been discussed to educate and increase awareness of how adverse cardiac surgical outcomes can be minimized.

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