Using clinical guidelines to assess the potential value of laboratory medicine in clinical decision-making (2021)

Type of publication:
Journal article

Hicks A.J.; Carwardine Z.L.; *Hallworth M.J.; Kilpatrick E.S.

Biochemia Medica; Feb 2021; vol. 31 (no. 1); p. 10703

Introduction: It is often quoted that 70% of clinical decisions are based on laboratory results, but the evidence to substantiate this claim is lacking. Since clinical guidelines aim to document best-practice decision making for specific disease conditions, inclusion of any laboratory test means that the best available evidence is recommending clinicians use it. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the world's most common cause of mortality, so this study reviewed all CVD guidelines published by five national/international authorities to determine what proportion of them recommended laboratory testing. Material(s) and Method(s): Five leading CVD guidelines were examined, namely the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), the UK National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), the American College of Cardiology (ACC), the Australian Heart Foundation (AHF) and the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand (CSANZ). Result(s): A total of 101 guidelines were reviewed. Of the 33 individual ESC guidelines relating to CVD, 24/33 made a direct reference to the use of clinical laboratory tests in either diagnosis or follow-up treatment. The same applied to 15/20 of NICE guidelines, 24/32 from the ACC and 15/16 from the AHF/CSANZ. Renal function and blood count testing were the most recommended (39 and 26 times), with lipid, troponin and natriuretic peptide measurement advocated 25, 19 and 19 times respectively. Conclusion(s): This study has shown that laboratory testing is advocated by between 73% and 94% of individual CVD guideline recommendations from five national/international authorities. This provides an index to assess the potential value of laboratory medicine to healthcare.

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A Complex Case of Adalimumab Induced Pleuropericarditis in a Patient with Underlying Ulcerative Colitis (2021)

Type of publication:
Journal article

*Abbasi A, *Day S, Subahani M, *Townson G

Asploro Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Case Reports, 2021 Jan; 4(1) p.16-21

Introduction: Adalimumab is an anti-tumour necrosis factor (anti-TNF) monoclonal antibody and an important part of the treatment regime for autoimmune conditions including inflammatory bowel disease. We present a case of adalimumab induced pleuropericarditis and discuss the diagnosis challenges we faced.
Case History: A 22-year-old male presented to the emergency department with 3 days history of headache, malaise, fever and right-sided chest pain. He was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis 8 months ago but failed to respond to mesalazine, requiring high dose steroids to induce disease remission. His mesalazine was stopped after 4 months and he was initiated on adalimumab 2 months prior to the current presentation. At presentation, he had a temperature of 38.7 °C (101.6 °F) but no other physical signs. His inflammatory markers were raised, and the chest x-ray was clear. He was started on empirical intravenous antibiotics on suspicion of the underlying infective process. On day 4 the patient developed a new pleural rub and crepitations on both lung bases. An urgent echocardiogram and computed tomography scan of the thorax abdomen and pelvis revealed pleural effusion and a 1.8 cm diameter pericardial effusion. Extensive investigation including virology screen, autoimmune screen and pleural fluid analysis were normal.
Diagnosis, Management and Outcome: This case was discussed in a multidisciplinary meeting. A diagnosis of pleuropericarditis secondary to adalimumab was made. Adalimumab and antibiotics were stopped, and he was started on a course of oral steroids. The patient responded well to the treatment and his symptoms resolved.
Conclusion: Rare drug toxicity should be part of differential diagnosis, especially in young patients with unusual presentation. An early multidisciplinary approach is crucial for a positive outcome. The patient should be actively involved in decision making to improve long term outcome.

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Short statured primigravidae: Options for the obstetric management from a survey of UK obstetricians (2021)

Type of publication:
Journal article

*Rachaneni S.; Gurol-Urganci I.; Basu M.; Thakar R.; Sultan A.; Freeman R.

European Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Biology; Jan 2021; vol. 256 ; p. 379-384

Objective: To assess the current antenatal and intrapartum management options for primigravid women of short stature with a clinically large fetus by a survey of UK Obstetricians. Study design: An online survey comprised of 15 questions including the options on timing and mode of delivery, counselling about the risk of long-term pelvic floor morbidity following spontaneous vaginal and instrumental deliveries, choice of instruments and the role of episiotomy. The survey was sent to the participants as a part of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) Newsletter between September 2017 to October 2018. The scenario described was of a primigravid short stature woman (i.e. height of 160 cm or less) who presents with a clinically large fetus at 38 weeks gestation. Result(s): 424 Obstetricians participated in the survey. The participation ratio cannot be identified as the survey was emailed as a part of the RCOG Newsletter. Sixty five percent respondents stated that they would scan for estimated fetal weight, 48 % would offer induction of labour at 40 weeks and 14 % would offer an elective/planned caesarean section (CS) at 39-40 weeks. Fifty nine percent would discuss all these risks: obstructed labour, shoulder dystocia, instrumental delivery and obstetric anal sphincter injury (OASI). 73 % would not discuss the long-term risks of urinary and/or faecal incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. In the presence of failure to progress in the second stage of labour, 69 % would attempt a rotational instrumental delivery and 5% would offer a caesarean section. Manual rotation and 'straight' forceps application were the most frequent type of rotational delivery, followed by Ventouse and Kiellands forceps. Thirty four percent stated that they do not routinely perform an episiotomy in this scenario. Seventy three percent stated that their choice of instrument was not based on the long-term risk of urinary and faecal incontinence. Conclusion(s): The results suggest that 40 % of the respondents would not discuss all of the complications after vaginal delivery in women of short stature. The most common delivery option would be vaginal delivery.

Oral and maxillofacial surgery patient satisfaction with telephone consultations during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020)

Type of publication:
Journal article

*Horgan T.J.; *Alsabbagh A.Y.; *McGoldrick D.M.; *Bhatia S.K.; *Messahel A.

The British Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery; Apr 2021; vol. 59 (no. 3); p. 335-340

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic most oral and maxillofacial surgical (OMFS) units have moved to conducting patient consultations over the telephone. The aim of this study was to assess patients' satisfaction with telephone consultations during the COVID-19 pandemic. A retrospective survey was conducted of OMFS patients at our hospital who had telephone consultations between 1 April – 8 June 2020. The survey was conducted by independent interviewers and used the Generic Medical Interview Satisfaction Scale (G-MISS) along with a previously published additional questionnaire. Variables recorded included age, gender, theme of consultation, grade of clinician, and type of consultation. Statistical analysis was performed to assess for any differences between patient groups. The records of 150 consecutive patients were reviewed and 135 met inclusion criteria. A total of 109 patients completed the survey giving a response rate of 80.74%. The total G-MISS score for satisfaction was high, which indicates a high level of satisfaction among all patients. We found no statistical difference in satisfaction when comparing patients in terms of gender, age, theme of consultation, or level of clinician. A significant difference was found in compliance levels between review and new patients, with review patients demonstrating higher compliance levels (p=0.004). Overall, 83.48% of patients said they would be willing to have a telephone consultation in future. The majority of patients in this study reported high levels of satisfaction with telephone consultations. New patients reported lower levels of compliance which may suggest this type of consultation is less suited to telephone consultation.

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Benign thyroid swelling presenting as Horner's syndrome (2020)

Type of publication:
Journal article

*Shaji S.K.; *Chan J.; *Hari C

BMJ Case Reports; Dec 2020; vol. 13 (no. 12).

Horner's syndrome is a rare neurological condition seen in association with the disruption in the sympathetic nerve supply. Thyroid swelling is a common condition but rarely causes cervical sympathetic chain compression. We describe a case of a 54-year-old man who presented with Horner's syndrome secondary to a benign thyroid nodule with pressure effect on the sympathetic chain. An association between thyroid pathologies and Horner's syndrome has been mentioned previously, however, to our knowledge, this is the first case of Horner's syndrome being the initial presentation for an underlying benign thyroid swelling.

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Coronavirus Disease 2019: the Pivotal Role of UK Clinical Oncology and the UK Coronavirus Cancer Monitoring Project (2021)

Type of publication:
Journal article

*Best ; Starkey, T.; *Chatterjee, A.; Fackrell, D.; *Pettit, L.; *Srihari, N.; Tween, H.; Olsson-Brown, A.; Cheng, V.; Hughes, D.J.; Lee, A.J.X.; Purshouse, K.; Arnold, R.; UK Coronavirus Cancer Monitoring Project Team; Sivakumar, S.; Cazier, J.-B.; Lee, L.Y.W.

Clinical Oncology; Jan 2021; vol. 33 (no. 1), e50-e53


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GLP-1 receptor agonists in type 2 diabetes: An underused asset? (2020)

Type of publication:
Journal article

*Morris, David

Journal of Diabetes Nursing; Aug 2020; vol. 24 (no. 5); p. 1-11

As our understanding of the incretin hormone system has increased, a number of drugs targeting this system have been developed. The realisation of this potential has developed rapidly, and glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 RAs) are now a standard feature in management guidelines for type 2 diabetes. This article reviews the operation of the incretin system and the mechanism by which GLP-1 RAs act to provide benefit in type 2 diabetes. The availability and indications for use of the GLP-1 RAs, and their clinical benefits and disadvantages, are summarised. The position of GLP-1 RAs in the management of type 2 diabetes is discussed pragmatically, with reference to various key guidelines.