Levothyroxine in Women with Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies before Conception (2019)

Type of publication:
Randomised controlled trial

Dhillon-Smith, Rima K; Middleton, Lee J; Sunner, Kirandeep K; Cheed, Versha; Baker, Krys; Farrell-Carver, Samantha; Bender-Atik, Ruth; Agrawal, Rina; Bhatia, Kalsang; Edi-Osagie, Edmond; Ghobara, Tarek; Gupta, Pratima; Jurkovic, Davor; Khalaf, Yacoub; MacLean, Marjory; McCabe, Christopher; Mulbagal, Khashia; Nunes, Natalie; Overton, Caroline; Quenby, Siobhan; Rai, Raj; Raine-Fenning, Nick; Robinson, Lynne; Ross, Jackie; *Sizer, Andrew; Small, Rachel; Tan, Alex; *Underwood, Martyn ; Kilby, Mark D; Boelaert, Kristien; Daniels, Jane; Thangaratinam, Shakila; Chan, Shiao Y; Coomarasamy, Arri

The New England Journal of Medicine Apr 2019; 380 (no. 14); p. 1316-1325

BACKGROUND Thyroid peroxidase antibodies are associated with an increased risk of miscarriage and preterm birth, even when thyroid function is normal. Small trials indicate that the use of levothyroxine could reduce the incidence of such adverse outcomes. METHODS We conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to investigate whether levothyroxine treatment would increase live-birth rates among euthyroid women who had thyroid peroxidase antibodies and a history of miscarriage or infertility. A total of 19,585 women from 49 hospitals in the United Kingdom underwent testing for thyroid peroxidase antibodies and thyroid function. We randomly assigned 952 women to receive either 50 μg once daily of levothyroxine (476 women) or placebo (476 women) before conception through the end of pregnancy. The primary outcome was live birth after at least 34 weeks of gestation. RESULTS The follow-up rate for the primary outcome was 98.7% (940 of 952 women). A total of 266 of 470 women in the levothyroxine group (56.6%) and 274 of 470 women in the placebo group (58.3%) became pregnant. The live-birth rate was 37.4% (176 of 470 women) in the levothyroxine group and 37.9% (178 of 470 women) in the placebo group (relative risk, 0.97; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.83 to 1.14, P = 0.74; absolute difference, -0.4 percentage points; 95% CI, -6.6 to 5.8). There were no significant between group differences in other pregnancy outcomes, including pregnancy loss or preterm birth, or in neonatal outcomes. Serious adverse events occurred in 5.9% of women in the levothyroxine group and 3.8% in the placebo group (P = 0.14). CONCLUSIONS The use of levothyroxine in euthyroid women with thyroid peroxidase antibodies did not result in a higher rate of live births than placebo. (Funded by the United Kingdom National Institute for Health Research; TABLET Current Controlled Trials number, ISRCTN15948785.).


Cited by 94 other articles

Kikuchi-Fujimoto Disease and Prognostic Implications (2019)

Type of publication:
Journal article

*Salamat, Sebastian; *Chan, Jacquline; *Jolly, Karan; *Powell, George; *Harrison, Katherine; *Ahanger, Sajad; *Hari, Churunal

Head and neck pathology 2020; Vol 14(1) p. 272-275

Abstract Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease (KFD) is a rare cause of lymphadenitis seen mostly in Asian populations (Kikuchi in Nippon Ketsueki Gakkai Zasshi 35:379-80, 1972). First described in 1972, KFD is a benign and self-limiting disease characterised by lymphadenopathy, mild fever, fatigue, and leukopenia (Fujimoto in Naika 30:920-7, 1972; Lin et al. in Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 128(5): 650-3, 2003). We present a case of a 38-year-old woman with a 6-week history of cervical lymphadenopathy. Her ultrasound scan and fine needle aspiration cytology results were inconclusive. Excisional biopsy of the lymph node confirmed presence of KFD. The aetiology of KFD is unknown; however, there is strong association with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Kucukardali reported 9% of European KFD patients and 28% of East Asian patients had concomitant SLE (Kucukardali et al. in Clin Rheumatol 26(1):50-4, 2007). We describe a follow-up algorithm for newly diagnosed KFD cases, based on the current literature. KFD is a rare cause of cervical lymphadenopathy. It is associated with increased risk of developing SLE, therefore early diagnosis and long-term follow-up are recommended.


Evaluating the value of intrapartum fetal scalp blood sampling to predict adverse neonatal outcomes: A UK multicentre observational study (2019)

Type of publication:
Journal article

Al Wattar, Bassel H; Lakhiani, Aarti; Sacco, Adalina; Siddharth, Aditi; Bain, Alexandra; Calvia, Alexandra; Kamran, Atiyah; Tiong, Bing; Warwick, Bethan; MacMahon, Caroline; Marcus, Diana; Long, Emma; Coyle, Gillian; Lever, Gillian Elizabeth; Michel, Gina; Gopal, Gomathy; Baig, Hana; Price, Hannah Louise; Badri, Hawra; Stevenson, Helen; Hoyte, Helene; Malik, Humaira; Edwards, Jade; Hartley, Jennifer; Hemers, Jennifer; Tamblyn, Jennifer; Dalton, John Alexander William; Frost, Jonathan; Subba, Kamana; Baxter, Kathryn; Sivakumar, Kavitha; Murphy, Kelly; Papadakis, Konstantinos; Bladon, Laura Rachel; Kasaven, Lorraine; Manning, Louisa; Prior, Mathew; Ghosh, Mausumi; Couch, Melanie; Altunel, Melis; Pearce, Melissa; Cocker, Michael; Stephanou, Michael; Jie, Michelle; Mistry, Minesh; Wahby, Mohammed Osama; Saidi, Nabila Shahid; Ramshaw, Nicola Louise; Tempest, Nicola; Parker, Nina; Tan, Phoebe L; Johnson, Racheal Louise; Harris, Rachel; Tildesley, Rachel; Ram, Ramya; Painuly, Ritu; Cuffolo, Romana; Bugeja, Roberta; Ngadze, Rose; Grainger, Rosie; Gurung, Sabitra; Mak, Sammy; Farrell, Sara; Cowey, Sarah; Neary, Sarah; Quinn, Sarah; Nijjar, Simrit Kaur; Kenyon, Sophie; Lamb, Stephanie; Tracey, Susan; Lee, Tara; Kinsella, Therese; Davidson, Trecia; Corr, Trent; Sampson, Uzo; McQueen, Victoria; *Parry-Smith, William; Castling, Zora; AB-FAB study group

European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology; Sep 2019; vol. 240 ; p. 62-67

OBJECTIVE To evaluate the value of fetal scalp blood sampling (FBS) as an adjunct test to cardiotocography, to predict adverse neonatal outcomes. STUDY DESIGN A multicentre service evaluation observational study in forty-four maternity units in the UK. We collected data retrospectively on pregnant women with singleton pregnancy who received FBS in labour using a standardised data collection tool. The primary outcome was prediction of neonatal acidaemia diagnosed as umbilical cord arterial pH < 7.05, the secondary outcomes were the prediction of Apgar scores<7 at 1st and 5th minutes and admission to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). We evaluated the correlation between the last FBS blood gas before birth and the umbilical cord blood and adjusted for time intervals. We constructed 2 × 2 tables to calculate the sensitivity, specificity, positive (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) and generated receiver operating curves to report on the Area Under the Curve (AUC). RESULTS In total, 1422 samples were included in the analysis; pH values showed no correlation (r = 0.001, p = 0.9) in samples obtained within an hour (n = 314), or within half an hour from birth (n = 115) (r=-0.003, p = 0.9). A suboptimal FBS pH value (<7.25) had a poor sensitivity (22%) and PPV (4.9%) to predict neonatal acidaemia with high specificity (87.3%) and NPV (97.4%). Similar performance was noted to predict Apgar scores <7 at 1st (sensitivity 14.5%, specificity 87.5%, PPV 23.4%, NPV 79.6%) and 5th minute (sensitivity 20.3%, specificity 87.4%, PPV 7.6%, NPV 95.6%), and admission to NICU (sensitivity 20.3%, specificity 87.5%, PPV 13.3%, NPV 92.1%). The AUC for FBS pH to predict neonatal acidaemia was 0.59 (95%CI 0.59-0.68, p = 0.3) with similar performance to predict Apgar scores<7 at 1st minute (AUC 0.55, 95%CI 0.51-0.59, p = 0.004), 5th minute (AUC 0.55, 95%CI 0.48-0.62, p = 0.13), and admission to NICU (AUC 0.58, 95%CI 0.52-0.64, p = 0.002). Forty-one neonates had acidaemia (2.8%, 41/1422) at birth. There was no significant correlation in pH values between the FBS and the umbilical cord blood in this subgroup adjusted for sampling time intervals (r = 0.03, p = 0.83). CONCLUSIONS As an adjunct tool to cardiotocography, FBS offered limited value to predict neonatal acidaemia, low Apgar Scores and admission to NICU.

Link to full-text [no password required - author manuscript]


Perivascular epitheloid cell tumor and mesonephric adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix: an unknown co-existence (2019)

Type of publication:
Journal article

*Dimitrios Papoutsis, *Banchhita Sahu, *Joanna Kelly, Angeliki Antonakou

Oxford Medical Case Reports, Volume 2019, Issue 1, January 2019

A 67-year-old woman with post-menopausal bleeding and a suspicious endocervical mass was referred to gynaecology outpatients’ for diagnosis and management. Cervical punch biopsies taken showed a benign cervical perivascular epithelioid cell tumour (PEComa), with MRI imaging and PET-CT scan indicating a 3–4 cm endocervical tumour with malignant features. The patient underwent radical hysterectomy with lymph node dissection and the surgical specimen histopathology demonstrated a residual benign PEComa and a stage IIB mesonephric adenocarcinoma (MNA) of the cervix. There is no disease recurrence 12 months after surgery. Cervical PEComas are extremely rare tumours of mesenchymal origin deriving from the perivascular epithelioid cells with only 14 cases described so far. Cervical MNAs are rare tumours originating from the remnants of the mesonephric duct of Wolff with only 40 cases reported. Our case adds to the existing literature and highlights the challenges with regard to preoperative diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.

Link to full-text [open access - no password required]


Effectiveness of Intra-Gastric Balloon as a Bridge to Definitive Surgery in the Super Obese (2019)

Type of publication:
Journal article

Ball, William; Raza, Syed Soulat; Loy, John; *Riera, Manel; *Pattar, Jayaprakash; *Adjepong, Samuel; *Rink, James

Obesity surgery; Feb 2019

BACKGROUND British National guidelines (NICE) recommend bariatric surgery for patients with a body mass index (BMI) > 40 kg/m2, or BMI > 35 kg/m2 with any comorbidities of the metabolic syndrome. Intra-gastric balloons (IGB) can be used in super obese patients as a first step, before definitive surgery. AIMS Quantify weight loss 6 months after IGB placement, measure progression to definitive surgery and identify complications.METHODSData collected retrospectively on 50 patients. Forty-six proposed for definitive bariatric surgery, four patients excluded. Analysis performed using SPSS v23.0. RESULTS Median weight decreased from 165.5 to 155 kg (range 78 to 212, p < 0.01), BMI from 57.4 to 52.15 (range 32.9 to 70.5, p < 0.01), percentage excess weight loss (%EWL) was 12.9% (range – 3.3 to 64.66%, p < 0.01) and BMI reduction was 4.25 kg/m2 (range – 1.3 to 13.9, p < 0.01). Twenty-nine out of 46 patients (63%) progressed to definitive bariatric surgery. Ten out of 46 patients (21.7%) had complications requiring readmission. Seven of these patients required early balloon removal and six failed to progress to definitive surgery. Six patients had a second balloon placement, their actual weight loss was less successful, with some regaining weight. DISCUSSION IGB is useful to aid weight loss prior to definitive bariatric surgery. Results from first balloon placement are encouraging and comparable with other studies "as reported by Genco et al. (Int J of Obes 30:129-133, 2006)." Readmission due to nausea, vomiting, dehydration and poor compliance may be associated with poor weight loss and failure to progress to definitive surgery. Second balloon placements were less successful. CONCLUSION IGB as bridging therapy is a safe and useful adjunct. Sequential IGBs do not seem to provide additional benefit.

Insulin pump therapy: A guide for non-specialist staff (2019)

Type of publication:
Journal article

*Richardson, Erica A.

Journal of Diabetes Nursing; Jan 2019; vol. 23 (no. 1); p. 1-7

With the growing use of insulin pump therapy worldwide, healthcare professionals from all sectors will see more and more people with diabetes who are currently using this therapy. Although NICE guidance stipulates that this cohort should be cared for by a "specialist team", healthcare professionals from all sectors are increasingly likely to care for these individuals. Therefore, training in the basic functions and principles of this kind of therapy can help us to support them, signpost them to services and involve relevant healthcare teams, to ensure they receive the best quality care and support to effectively manage their diabetes. This article provides basic information for nonspecialist staff to help them identify patients who may be suitable for this therapy, identify emergency situations and signpost to appropriate services.

The incidence of and risk factors for complications when removing a single uterine fibroid during cesarean section: a retrospective study with use of two comparison groups (2020)

Type of publication:
Journal article

Sparic R.; Kadija S.; Spremovic Radjenovic S.; Lackovic M.; Bukumiric Z.; *Papoutsis D.; Malvasi A.; Tinelli A.

Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine; Oct 2020; vol. 33 (no. 19); p. 3258-3265

Purpose: To determine the incidence of and risk factors for perioperative complications in women with a single uterine fibroid, who had a cesarean myomectomy (CM). Method(s): This was a retrospective study of women who had a CM between 2015-2016. They were compared versus women who had a cesarean section (CS) alone and nonpregnant women who had a laparotomic myomectomy (LM). Result(s): We identified 44 CM women, 51 CS patients, and 44 LM women. Those with a CM in most cases had subserosal at the anterior uterine wall and near the lower uterine segment (LUS), as most frequent fibroids; moreover, they had, on average, 18 min longer surgery duration versus CS alone. CM did not affect the Apgar scores and the incidence of minor and major complications was 36.4% and 29.5%, with the most frequent being postoperative anemia (36.4%) and intraoperative hemorrhage (29.5%). No significant differences were reported on both minor and major complications in the three groups. The following variables were found to be significant predictors in univariate logistic regression analysis for the occurrence of major complications in women who had a CM: the fibroid size (OR = 1.040, 95%CI: 1.014-1.066, p =.002), and duration of surgery (OR = 1.059, 5%CI:1.012-1.108, p =.013). The fibroid diameter cut-off was 75.0 mm (sensitivity 69.2%; specificity 90.3%), and the surgery duration was 87.5 min (sensitivity 53.8%; specificity 93.5%). Conclusion(s): CM appears safe, with no additional risks when compared to CS alone and LM in the women of reproductive age.

An investigation into the perceived value of the College of Radiographers voluntary accreditation scheme for advanced and consultant practitioners in breast imaging (2019)

Type of publication:
Journal article

*Deane L.; Robinson L.; England A.

Radiography; Aug 2019; vol. 25 (no. 3); p. 207-213

Introduction: A voluntary accreditation scheme has been introduced, requiring advanced (AdP) and consultant practitioners (CP) to submit several pieces of work to the College of Radiographers (CoR). However, few individuals have opted to become voluntary accredited. This study investigated the reasons behind becoming voluntary accredited, the value that was gained and why there appears to be a lack of support for the scheme.
Method(s): An online electronic survey was conducted using a mixed methods approach. Open questions enabled individual opinions and thoughts to be expressed, Likert scale style questions allowed further understanding of the level of agreement and closed questions identified the support for and against the scheme.
Result(s): A total of 55 respondents participated, including 18 AdPs, 25 CPs, 1 consultant trainee practitioner, 5 practitioners and 6 listed as 'other'. Forty-four participants were non-accredited, citing too much clinical work; no recognition from employers and too much effort for little reward. Motivations for joining the scheme were to improve the profession; help create a new consultant post and protect the non-clinical element of the consultant role.
Conclusion(s): The CoR voluntary accreditation scheme has a small perceived value but overall, the majority of respondents believed the scheme did not warrant the work needed to apply. Concern was raised about the risk of creating a two-tier profession by the scheme's instigation. The results of this study suggest that the CoR's voluntary accreditation scheme would need to address these barriers before more practitioners would apply.