A prospective study of hospitalised patients with diabetes and hypoglycaemia following the National Inpatient Diabetes Audit (NaDIA) (2018)

Type of publication:
Conference abstract

*Htun H.; *Richardson E.; *Barton D.

Diabetic Medicine; Mar 2018; vol. 35 ; S1

Background: A growing concern regarding increasing incidence of hypoglycaemia in hospitalised patients with diabetes and its association to all-cause mortality is well recognised. There has been no further study regarding the implication of appropriate management of hypoglycaemia following the NaDIA data 2016. Aims: To determine the quality of care provided to patients with diabetes with hypoglycaemia and to minimise the risk of avoidable complications and prolonged hospital stay. Methods: We prospectively identified 50 patients with diabetes who experienced one or more episodes of hypoglycaemia during their hospital stay in 2017. We assessed their clinical information regarding specific risk factors, medication and insulin prescription errors. Results: The study population identified the evidence of mild hypoglycaemic and severe hypoglycaemic episodes as 68% and 20% respectively. Recurrent hypoglycaemic episodes were highlighted as nine cases, especially in older patients aged over 65 years, with HbA1c >70mmol/mol. Their morbidity status was captured with mean prolonged hospital stay of 18 days. Regarding risk stratification, 44 cases were largely contributed to by a variety of clinical risk factors, whereas six cases (half of NaDIA 2016 figures) of those resulted from medication management errors, especially insulin prescription and administration. More than 90% of patients were seen by a member of the diabetes team following hypoglycaemic episodes. Conclusion: Our data confirm strong morbidity risk with recurrent hypoglycaemia. The study suggests much closer attention to correctable risk factors, so as to minimise avoidable complications with structured diabetes team input to ensure good quality care is to be maintained.

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