The improvement and retention of skills in shoulder dystocia management with the use of high-fidelity simulation: the SAFE (SimulAtion high-FidElity) study (2024)

Type of publication:
Journal article

*Papoutsis, Dimitrios; Klazoglou, Paraskevi; Valasoulis, George; Tzavara, Chara.

Women & Birth: Journal of the Australian College of Midwives. 101590, 2024 Feb 16.

BACKGROUND: Shoulder dystocia is a relatively uncommon but serious childbirth-related emergency. AIM: To explore the improvement and retention of skills in shoulder dystocia management through high-fidelity simulation training. METHODS: The SAFE (SimulAtion high-FidElity) study was a prospective cohort study that utilised a high-fidelity birth simulator. Registered midwives and final year midwifery students were invited to participate in a one-day workshop at 6-monthly intervals. There was a 30-minute initial assessment, a 30-minute theoretical and hands-on training, and a 30-minute post-training assessment on shoulder dystocia management. Pre-training and post-training values for the predetermined outcomes were compared. In each workshop we assessed the proportion of successful simulated births, the performance of manoeuvres to manage shoulder dystocia, the head-to-body birth time, the fetal head traction force, the quality of communication, the perception of time-to-birth, and the self-reported confidence levels. FINDINGS: The baseline workshop recruited 101 participants that demonstrated a significant increase in the proportion of successful simulated births (8.9% vs 93.1%), and a two-fold to three-fold increase in the score of manoeuvres, communication, and confidence after training. Those with low pre-training levels of competency and confidence improved the most post-training at baseline. There was a retention of manoeuvres, communication skills and confidence at 6 months. There was no reduction in fetal head traction force over time. Those being proficient before initial training retained and performed best at the 6-month follow-up. CONCLUSION: The SAFE study found a significant improvement in skills and confidence after the initial high-fidelity simulation training that were retained after 6 months.

Midwifery Identification, Stabilisation and Transfer of the Sick Newborn (MIST) (2019)

Type of publication:
E-learning package

*Wendy Tyler, Alan Fenton, Scott Mountifield, Leanne Hargreaves, Claire Beattie

e-Learning for Healthcare

This e-learning programme is aimed at midwifery and ambulance personnel to support the treatment plan for newborn babies who are, or have the potential to become, unwell following delivery in a community setting. The resources are designed to equip maternity and emergency teams with the knowledge required to extend care beyond the first minutes after birth, up to and including handover to the neonatal team.

The programme consists of four e-learning sessions and covers several clinical scenarios from normal variation to significant illness.

It is expected that by completing all four sessions within this programme, you will be able to:

  • Recognise normal and abnormal infant colour (anaemia and cyanosis)
  • Recognise normal and abnormal feeding patterns and abdominal signs
  • Support an infant born unexpectedly preterm
  • Support a baby born in an unexpectedly poor condition

Each session will cover identification, management including stabilisation and communication, and transfer to a neonatal unit.

This programme is the result of a collaboration between Health Education England’s e-Learning for Healthcare, The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust and The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. It was also made possible through the support of Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust, as part of a successful bid from HEE.

All the resources for this programme have been written by subject specialists and experts in this field.

Link to full-text [registration required to use package]