The development and acceptability of an educational and training intervention for recruiters to neonatal trials: the TRAIN project (2023)

Type of publication:Journal article

Author(s):Smith, V; Delaney, H; Hunter, A; Torgerson, D; Treweek, S; Gamble, C; Mills, N; Stanbury, K; Dempsey, E; Daly, M; O'Shea, J; Weatherup, K; *Deshpande, S; Ryan, M A; Lowe, J; Black, G; Devane, D.

Citation:BMC Medical Research Methodology. 23(1):265, 2023 Nov 11.

Abstract:BACKGROUND: Suboptimal or slow recruitment affects 30-50% of trials. Education and training of trial recruiters has been identified as one strategy for potentially boosting recruitment to randomised controlled trials (hereafter referred to as trials). The Training tRial recruiters, An educational INtervention (TRAIN) project was established to develop and assess the acceptability of an education and training intervention for recruiters to neonatal trials. In this paper, we report the development and acceptability of TRAIN. METHODS: TRAIN involved three sequential phases, with each phase contributing information to the subsequent phase(s). These phases were 1) evidence synthesis (systematic review of the effectiveness of training interventions and a content analysis of the format, content, and delivery of identified interventions), 2) intervention development using a Partnership (co-design/co-creation) approach, and 3) intervention acceptability assessments with recruiters to neonatal trials. RESULTS: TRAIN, accompanied by a comprehensive intervention manual, has been designed for online or in-person delivery. TRAIN can be offered to recruiters before trial recruitment begins or as refresher sessions during a trial. The intervention consists of five core learning outcomes which are addressed across three core training units. These units are the trial protocol (Unit 1, 50 min, trial-specific), understanding randomisation (Unit 2, 5 min, trial-generic) and approaching and engaging with parents (Unit 3, 70 min, trial-generic). Eleven recruiters to neonatal trials registered to attend the acceptability assessment training workshops, although only four took part. All four positively valued the training Units and resources for increasing recruiter preparedness, knowledge, and confidence. More flexibility in how the training is facilitated, however, was noted (e.g., training divided across two workshops of shorter duration). Units 2 and 3 were considered beneficial to incorporate into Good Clinical Practice Training or as part of induction training for new staff joining neonatal units. CONCLUSION: TRAIN offers a comprehensive co-produced training and education intervention for recruiters to neonatal trials. TRAIN was deemed acceptable, with minor modification, to neonatal trial recruiters. The small number of recruiters taking part in the acceptability assessment is a limitation. Scale-up of TRAIN with formal piloting and testing foreffectiveness in a large cluster randomised trial is required.

Link to full-text [open access - no password required]


Midwifery Identification, Stabilisation and Transfer of the Sick Newborn (MIST) (2019)

Type of publication:
E-learning package

*Wendy Tyler, Alan Fenton, Scott Mountifield, Leanne Hargreaves, Claire Beattie

e-Learning for Healthcare

This e-learning programme is aimed at midwifery and ambulance personnel to support the treatment plan for newborn babies who are, or have the potential to become, unwell following delivery in a community setting. The resources are designed to equip maternity and emergency teams with the knowledge required to extend care beyond the first minutes after birth, up to and including handover to the neonatal team.

The programme consists of four e-learning sessions and covers several clinical scenarios from normal variation to significant illness.

It is expected that by completing all four sessions within this programme, you will be able to:

  • Recognise normal and abnormal infant colour (anaemia and cyanosis)
  • Recognise normal and abnormal feeding patterns and abdominal signs
  • Support an infant born unexpectedly preterm
  • Support a baby born in an unexpectedly poor condition

Each session will cover identification, management including stabilisation and communication, and transfer to a neonatal unit.

This programme is the result of a collaboration between Health Education England’s e-Learning for Healthcare, The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust and The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. It was also made possible through the support of Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust, as part of a successful bid from HEE.

All the resources for this programme have been written by subject specialists and experts in this field.

Link to full-text [registration required to use package]