Home for Christmas MADE 3 of 3 RSH (2023)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

SaTH Improvement Hub, 2023

Multi Agency Discharge Events (MADEs) are held to work with internal and external partners across the Integrated Care System to maximise discharges to provide capacity in the acute setting. This case study focuses on the outcomes at RSH.

Link to PDF poster [no password required]

Home for Christmas MADE 2 of 3 PRH (2023)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

SaTH Improvement Hub, 2023

Multi Agency Discharge Events (MADEs) are held to work with internal and external partners across the Integrated Care System to maximise discharges to provide capacity in the acute setting. This case study focuses on the outcomes at PRH

Link to PDF poster [no password required]

Home for Christmas MADE 1 of 3 SaTH (2023)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

SaTH Improvement Hub, 2023

Multi Agency Discharge Events (MADEs) are held to work with internal and external partners across the Integrated Care System to maximise discharges to provide capacity in the acute setting.

Link to PDF poster [no password required]

Virtual Ward MaDE (2023)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

SaTH Improvement Hub, 2023

As part of the 8 MADEs for 2023 the first focus will be in time for the February half term starting 20th February 2023. The focus for this event will be on patients who are suitable for the virtual wards.

Link to PDF poster [no password required]

To increase clinic capacity through the RSH pre-assessment department (2022)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Rachael Bollands (Pre-Op Manager)

SaTH Improvement Hub, 2022

The demand for a pre-operative assessment is growing and the current process results in many patients having to attend an additional appointment which is severely impacting on capacity. To overcome this, it was agreed to test out a “One-Stop Triage” process that would result in increasing capacity, while also improving patient satisfaction, which was extremely low. Following engagement with patients and colleagues, a new triage process was agreed and tested for 10 days. Following the trial, the data showed significant improvements to an increase to capacity, due to a decrease in additional appointments, while also significantly improving patient satisfaction. The aim now is to roll out the process to PRH and make this the new standard practice for our patients who require a pre-operative assessment.

Link to PDF poster [no password required]

Neurological Observations (2022)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Clare Walsgrove, *Leeanne Morgan, *Ward Managers

SaTH Improvement Hub, May 2022

In order to maintain the overall health of our patients, it is important to monitor patients at risk of falls and the post fall care received.

Link to PDF poster [no password required]

Provision of IV Zoledronic Acid for Neck of Femur fracture patients on Ward 4, Princess Royal Hospital (PRH), SaTH NHS Trust (2023)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Dr. Sairah Anjum (FY2)

SaTH Improvement Hub, May 2023

Guidance was recently approved and uploaded to the SaTH intranet (early April 2023), stating that high risk NOF fracture patients or those unable to tolerate oral bisphosphonates are more likely to benefit from a single 4mg infusion of zoledronic acid followed by 2 weeks of calcium & Vitamin D supplementation, with an overall aim of increasing bone density and reducing risk of further fragility fractures by ~50% by 10th May 2023.

Link to PDF poster [no password required]

Rationalisation of Storeroom 2 in the Cataract Suite, RSH (2022)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Sally Flukes (Ophthalmology Assistant ) and *Debbie Smith (Housekeeper)

SaTH Improvement Hub, December 2022

To create a clutter free, safe and organised storeroom, which ensures the necessary equipment is stored in an appropriate place that makes it easily accessible for all colleagues, that meets the IPC standards as stated in the Trust policy by January 2023.

Link to PDF poster [no password required]

Supporting Quality Improvement within the Stroke and Rehab Therapy Team (2022)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Erin Tsang (Therapy Quality Improvement Lead)

SaTH Improvement Hub, 2022

NHS Staff Survey results, staff listening events and informal feedback indicated reduced levels of staff engagement and opportunities for Quality Improvement within the inpatient therapy teams at PRH and RSH. Despite embedding national job planning initiatives within the Therapy Centre, staff reported feeling unable to take their allocated Supporting Professional Activities (SPA) time and felt unable to meet the conflicting demands of their job. A model of monthly Quality Improvement Half Day (QIHD) was trialed in October and November 2022 in the Stroke and Rehab Therapy team to offer therapy staff an opportunity for regular, protected SPA time as a whole team. As a result 90% of the team felt that the sessions allowed them to develop and demonstrate their leadership skills and the team were able to implement a number of service improvement projects.

Link to PDF poster [no password required]