Data Management in the Learning from Death Process (2023)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Fiona McAREE

SaTH Improvement Hub, June 2023

The aim is to streamline the data source and improve reporting compliancy to Board by the end of March 2023 as evidenced by:
• MTG workbook
• SJR tracker
• Master divisional list of SJRs

Link to PDF poster

Sharing policies between divisions (2023)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Helen Ford, *Rachel North, *Tina Dodd, *Nina Sinclair and *Gemma Styles

SaTH Improvement Hub, July 2023

To improve the communication of polices that need to be shared between divisions as evidence by a written and agreed process by June 2023.

Link to PDF poster

Recruitment Standard way of working (2023)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Corinne Smith

SaTH Improvement Hub, June 2023

To ensure all essential Recruitment tasks are completed on a daily basis in line with our recruitment KPI’s and standard processes by the end of May 2023 as evidenced by the correct distribution of the work load and reduction in stress in the team.

Link to PDF poster

UEC WS4- Ward 16 Support Programme (2023)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Claire Sapphire, *Madeleine Oliver

SaTH Improvement Hub, June 2023

Ward 16s aim was to increase pre 11 discharges to 50% (1 patient a day) of the wards overall discharges and to statistically improve the length of stay by the 15th May 2023.

Link to PDF poster