Training Governance Colleagues in Improvement Methodology (2023)

Type of publication:Service improvement case study

Author(s):*Gemma Styles

Citation:SaTH Improvement Hub, September 2023

Abstract:To ensure that all members of the governance teams (and patient safety teams) have been offered the opportunity to engage in the improvement hub training programmes (either fundamentals or Practitioner) by end of August 2023 in preparation for the introduction of PSIRF.

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To reduce the use of take away containers in the improvement hub (2023)

Type of publication:Service improvement case study

Author(s):*Gemma Styles

Citation:SaTH Improvement Hub, October 2023

Abstract:To reduce the number of takeaway cups and takeaway food boxes used by the improvement team whilst in the improvement hub by 95% by the end of September 2023.

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SaTH Pharmacy Improving Amendment Implementation (2023)

Type of publication:Service improvement case study

Author(s):*Angela Yeomans

Citation:SaTH Improvement Hub, 2023

Abstract:To improve the process for reviewing and implementing amendments within pharmacy supported research projects by September 2023 as evidenced by percentage performance and adherence to sponsor agreed timelines.

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The Transfer of Care Process (2023)

Type of publication:Service improvement case study

Author(s):*Mandy Taylor

Citation:SaTH Improvement Hub, 2023

Abstract:To improve the discharge process for patients where they have identified complex needs by the end of October 2023 as evidenced by a timelier referral to Therapy and IDT teams and decrease in Length of Stay.

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