Neurological Observations (2022)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Clare Walsgrove, *Leeanne Morgan, *Ward Managers

SaTH Improvement Hub, May 2022

In order to maintain the overall health of our patients, it is important to monitor patients at risk of falls and the post fall care received.

Link to PDF poster [no password required]

Provision of IV Zoledronic Acid for Neck of Femur fracture patients on Ward 4, Princess Royal Hospital (PRH), SaTH NHS Trust (2023)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Dr. Sairah Anjum (FY2)

SaTH Improvement Hub, May 2023

Guidance was recently approved and uploaded to the SaTH intranet (early April 2023), stating that high risk NOF fracture patients or those unable to tolerate oral bisphosphonates are more likely to benefit from a single 4mg infusion of zoledronic acid followed by 2 weeks of calcium & Vitamin D supplementation, with an overall aim of increasing bone density and reducing risk of further fragility fractures by ~50% by 10th May 2023.

Link to PDF poster [no password required]

Rationalisation of Storeroom 2 in the Cataract Suite, RSH (2022)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Sally Flukes (Ophthalmology Assistant ) and *Debbie Smith (Housekeeper)

SaTH Improvement Hub, December 2022

To create a clutter free, safe and organised storeroom, which ensures the necessary equipment is stored in an appropriate place that makes it easily accessible for all colleagues, that meets the IPC standards as stated in the Trust policy by January 2023.

Link to PDF poster [no password required]

Supporting Quality Improvement within the Stroke and Rehab Therapy Team (2022)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Erin Tsang (Therapy Quality Improvement Lead)

SaTH Improvement Hub, 2022

NHS Staff Survey results, staff listening events and informal feedback indicated reduced levels of staff engagement and opportunities for Quality Improvement within the inpatient therapy teams at PRH and RSH. Despite embedding national job planning initiatives within the Therapy Centre, staff reported feeling unable to take their allocated Supporting Professional Activities (SPA) time and felt unable to meet the conflicting demands of their job. A model of monthly Quality Improvement Half Day (QIHD) was trialed in October and November 2022 in the Stroke and Rehab Therapy team to offer therapy staff an opportunity for regular, protected SPA time as a whole team. As a result 90% of the team felt that the sessions allowed them to develop and demonstrate their leadership skills and the team were able to implement a number of service improvement projects.

Link to PDF poster [no password required]

UEC Workstream 7- +21 day Lists (2022)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Kirsty Sloan, *Lisa Brewin, *Jane Tait, *Dan Wilson, *Bev Adams, *David Bruce, *Madeleine Olive

SaTH Improvement Hub, 2022

Following the Multi Agency Discharge Event in August 2022, one of the key successes was the reduction in the medically fit for discharge list. Following the debrief of the event the SaTH UEC Improvement Programme would like to explore how the number of patients who reside with SaTH for over 21 days can be reduced.

Link to PDF poster [no password required]

Ward 27 Improvement Support (2022)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Ward 27 team, *PJF, and *Medicine Ops

SaTH Improvement Hub, 2022

Following the August 2022 MADE event it was recognised that ward 27 had significant challenges regarding super stranded and number of medically fit patients. They also have one of the largest bed bases in the trust. A support week was implemented to understand the root cause of these challenges.

Link to PDF poster [no password required]

Improvement in use of Teletracking when ordering stock from the Medical Devices Library (2023)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Kev Malton

SaTH Improvement Hub, May 2023

To improve the use of Teletracking for wards and clinical areas when ordering stock from the Medical Devices Library by 10 May 2023.

Link to PDF poster [no password required]

Improving Specialist Knowledge and Skills in Complex Airway Management In Critical Care (2023)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Ashley Timms, with support from *Elaine France, *Matt Quarmby, and the *Critical Care Practice Education Facilitators.

SaTH Improvement Hub, 2023

Following patient safety incidents it became clear that there was a need to focus on complex airway management and upskill the existing critical care teams across both sites.

Link to PDF poster [no password required]

Logging Complaints (Subject Codes) on Datix (2023)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Complaints Team (Head of PALS and Complaints, Case Managers and Administrative Team)

SaTH Improvement Hub, 2023

Over the course of the pandemic, the complaints team had become very much reduced and there was a lot of cross over of tasks in logging new complaints between the Complaints Case Managers and Admin. As the team has recruited (to almost quadruple in size) it has become clear that some of the tasks being were being completed by the admin team members. One example was the logging of Datix subject codes. These are quite complex in nature – there are currently 19 main Datix subject codes (nationally reportable) and 394 subject sub codes. It was also proving time consuming and inefficient in that the administrators who are less familiar with the coding were having to review each case in detail in order to apply the codes. This was effectively a doubling up of efforts given that the case managers themselves must familiarise themselves with the cases in detail when sending them out for investigation.

Link to PDF poster [no password required]

Pharmacy Storeroom, PRH (2022)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Kirsty Heathcock, *Imogen Brown

SaTH Improvement Hub, October 2022

The pharmacy team noted that a store room area was cluttered and contained unnecessary equipment. Additionally, it was noted that there was a requirement for pharmacy students to have a dedicated study space. A study space was created for use during the 5S intervention.

Link to PDF poster [no password required]