SATH Children’s Assessment Unit Improvement Programme (2024)

Type of publication:

Service improvement case study


*Rachel Triggs


SaTH Improvement Hub, October 2024


To facilitate a core group of Registered children's nurses who work in the Children’s Assessment Unit (CAU) to become competent in conducting a Triage on all paediatric patients referred to the unit using the Manchester Triage system.

Link to PDF poster

"Door to knife time" for emergency admissions (2017)

Type of publication:
Conference abstract

*Quraishi M.; Tayyab M.; Badger I.

International Journal of Surgery; Nov 2017; vol. 47

The NCEPOD has formed the foundation of local trust guidelines in the triage of surgical patients requiring surgery. Delays in surgical intervention lead to significant morbidity and mortality. Reviewing the reasons for delay to theatre is therefore important in improving service provision and patient outcomes. Method: A retrospective collection of data on 62 (eligible) from 90 consecutive patients that were taken to emergency theatre were reviewed in February 2016. Result: of 62 patients 44 were admitted under general surgery, 6 under urology and 14 under other specialities. There were 37 males and 26 females. Median age was 47 years. As per local guidelines, 3 patients belonged to category III(septic shock), 16 in category V(sepsis without organ dysfunction) and 43 in category VI(infected source without sepsis). This translates into three CEPOD 1 (immediate) and 59 CEPOD 2 (urgent) patients. Two delays were identified, a patient requiring cardiovascular stabilisation prior to surgical intervention and another patient due to lack of perioperative resources. Conclusion: This review has highlighted good compliance with local guidelines and, the importance of the need for clarification of categorisation of surgical urgency. Our local categorisation offers more detail on specific emergencies, but still has significant lapses.